Welcome to HIIT

Welcome to HIIT Spektri

1. Organisation

2. Working hours, access control and leave of absence

The daily working hours are 7 hours 15 minutes (without a lunch break) and the weekly hours are 36 hours and 15 minutes.

The IT group is on call from 10-13.

The electronic key and other necessary keys are arranged by the secretary.

The outer doors for the premises are open from 8-16 on week days, on other occasions they are opened with the electronic key.

When receiving a guest, ask him to sign in to the guest book. When opening a door to an unfamiliar person, ask him who he is meeting and direct him to the host. Remember that you are responsible for the guest until he has been received by the host.

Annual leaves are confirmed in the spring. Any change to the annual leave is requested through a separate form. More information from the secretary or at http://www.tkk.fi/Henkilokunta/Personnel_handbook.htm .

Absence due to sickness should be reported at once to the employee's superior. If the absence lasts from one to three days, it should be notified on form no. 31. If the absence lasts more than three days, a doctor's certificate is needed. In this case, absence is notified on form no. 3 which will be delivered to the secretary. The doctor's certificate is to be sent in a sealed envelope to Ms Sari Mykkänen PL 1000, 02015 TKK.

3. Payment of salaries and personnel guide

The salary for person who is appointed to a post is paid on the 15th of each month and on the last day of each month for a person hired to an employment relationship. More information on payment of salaries can be found in the university personnel guide or from the secretary.

TKK's personnel guide has vital information on the organisation and administration of TKK, as well as terms of employment and recreational activities.

More information of the personnel guide can be found at http://www.tkk.fi/Henkilokunta/ .

The Welcome to TKK guide-book can be found at http://www.tkk.fi/Henkilokunta/tervetuloa_TKKlle.pdf .

4. Health care services

The health care services are provided by Medivire. It's located in Otaniemi at Sähkömiehentie 3 ( appointment reservations: 020 581 4102).

It is important to maintain working capacity (TYKY) by organising appropriate working conditions (lighting, ergonomics, etc.) Any suggestions for improvement or shortcomings should be informed to the secretary.

5. Premises and personnel

The premises are in Spektri, in the Pilotti-building at Metsänneidonkuja 4 in Espoo.

Two conference rooms are situated on the 3rd floor and one conference room (accommodated with conference call phone), as well as one open space, on the 2nd. Bookings are made in the appointment books at these locations.

The kitchens are located on the 2nd and 3rd floors. Everyone should wash his/her own dishes and maintain the cleanliness of the kitchen. Food may be stored in the refrigerator but everyone must see to it that no spoiled food is left. The microwave ovens must be cleaned after use. The kitchen does not belong to the cleaning area of the cleaners. In the case that coffee has run out, make some more on the next pot. The kitchen has two waste bins, of which the one behind belongs to organic waste; used only decomposing bio waste. All other trash should be placed in the bin in front.

Coffee charge is five euros monthly or 30 cents a cup and should be paid to the secretary.

The office supply storage is situated on the 2nd floor. Office supplies can not be taken or used for external purposes and their use is monitored weekly.

The whole TKK personnel is found in the TKK phone directory and in the HelpNET-services, http://helpnet.elisa.fi, provided by Elisa. The service requires registration, which can be done by sending an email to puhelin(a)tkk.fi.

6. Purchases

The superior's written consent is always required when making purchases. Only in special cases is a verbal approval, made to the purchase officer, accepted. All relevant purchases are made through the IT department, which uses contracted suppliers.

7. Security issues and telecommunications

More information on security issues can be found at the IT-centre webpage, http://www.tkk.fi/atk/tietoturva/.

The Ministry of Finance has issued a guide, User guide to security issues (VAHTI 5/2003). The guide can also be found at http://www.vm.fi/tietoturvallisuus/.

Computer accounts of the research institute are granted by the IT group, it-accounts(a)hiit.fi. Authorization for TKK's general computers is granted by the IT centre, atk-luvat(a)tkk.fi.

The research institute has two black and white printers and one colour printer on the 2nd floor and one black and white printer on the 3rd.

All information security rules must be adhered to!

8. Telecommunication and copying

Telephones are meant only for work related calls. Personal calls can be made only with the 151-contract. More information from the secretary.

The fax (+358 9 694 9768) and copy machine are located on the 6th floor near the colour printer.

Abbreviated numbers must be used when making internal calls at TKK, even when using a mobile phone for those calls are free of charge.

9. Mail

The mail is delivered every day at around 9am and leaves in the afternoon at about 3 o'clock.

The distribution of mail into personal lockers is attended to by the secretary.

For external mail, ready paid envelopes are used, found in the office supply storage.

For internal mail, internal mail envelopes are used, found next to the mail lockers.

For more extensive mail shipments and for external packages, a Post office address sticker and bar code sticker, acquired from the secretary, are used.

The overseas express mail is attended to by DHL. More information from the secretary.

The departing mail is organized as following: internal mail in the upper yellow Post office box and external mail in the one underneath.

10. Travelling

Travelling abroad

A travel application MUST be completed before taking the trip.

Travel bookings are made by the secretary. She is using a booking system which entitles to discounts.

Booking a trip in good time (for instance one month ahead) may drop the price as much as 75 %.

TKK has an agreement on travel insurance with Eurooppalainen Insurance Company, which covers all employees travelling on business for TKK. Insurance cards from the secretary.

Travelling in Finland

A travel card for the trips of State Railways (VR) entitling to discounts can be asked from the secretary.

For travelling inside the Helsinki metropolitan area a travel card can be borrowed from the secretary.

Travel invoice

A signed travel invoice should be submitted immediately and in any case within two months of return from the trip. Original receipts and tickets (the stubs of flight tickets) should be appended to the invoice. Travel expenses are paid to the applicant's bank account.

11. Internal communications

The minutes of HIIT's management group are on view on the bulletin board on the 2nd floor.

There are several mailing lists, meant for all employees, in the research institute. More information from the planning officer Päivi Saarinen. The e-mail address for employees is in the form firstname.lastname(a)hiit.fi.

TKK NYT is available on Fridays in the mail pigeonholes and is also on display at http://www.tkk.fi/nyt/ .

12. Eating

Spektri has two personnel restaurants, one in the Pilotti-building and one in Trio.

13. Recreational activities

There is a gym and a sauna for all personnel on the top floor of the Duo-building.

HIIT organizes a traditional pre-Christmas celebration and a spring excursion for all staff.

14. Transport connections

Spektri can be reached with public transportation. To find an appropriate route visit http://www.reittiopas.fi/ .

Guest parking has a time limit of four hours. For longer parking permits can be obtained from the secretary.

15. Useful phone numbers and links

HIIT's people directory is found at http://www.hiit.fi/people

The service number for the IT-group (from 10-13) is 8170

Secretary Pirkko Miettunen 8145

TKK reception 09 4511

TKK web page http://www.tkk.fi/

The TKK personnel guide is found at http://www.tkk.fi/Henkilokunta/

All required forms and applications are at the university web page http://www.tkk.fi/Yksikot/Muut/Hallitus/Ftp/Hal/tal_ind.html

Personnel and Legal Affairs web page at http://hel.tkk.fi/

Dictionary is found at http://mot.kielikone.fi/mot/tkk/netmot.exe

Last updated on 2 Jun 2008 by Visa Noronen - Page created on 21 Apr 2008 by Visa Noronen