Allocating Working Hours (HALLI)

These instructions are in need of updating. They were merely copied from an old mail sent to HIIT staff, but they are all we have at the time.

HIIT will adopt the HALLI worktime reporting system ( from 1.12.2007, with back reporting starting from 1.5.2007. This mail is intended to offer everybody instructions on what we expect you to do. Undoubltedly there will still be some difficulties in the launch, which we hope your kind understanding for.

1. Assel Mukhametzhanova will act as the main use of HALLI. She has done the preparatory work of inserting basic project information in the system so that all of you should be able to allocate work hours to the projects you have worked in. If there are some errors, please let her know. We know that some new projects are still missing from HALLI, so bear with us until we get all bugs ironed out.

2. Starting tomorrow (29.11.2007), Assel will mail to each of you a "Personal Worktime Allocation Plan" Excel sheet, indicating how many hours in total you should be reporting for each month and each project starting from May 2007. (A similar plan for 2008 will be submitted later in January, 2008). The plan has open slots for holidays and possible sick leaves. Please complete the plan with information of "official" holidays according to the information you have given to Pirkko, and on "official" sick leaves. This will give the final hours per month to report on for each project. I enclose my own plan as an example so you get the hang of it.

3. Log on the HALLI system at at as instructed in Please observe that you will need the service password of TKK's IT-centre (the same as used for Personec UPJ system).

4. Report the working hours from May 1 onwards as indicated in the completed "Personal Worktime Allocation Plan". (The week view is the most convenient one to use.) If you have worked in EU projects, and have previously reported on the hours on EU timesheets, you should report the same information here for consistency. If you need the copies of the existing time sheets, please contact Marja-Leena Markkula. If you cannot access some project that you should be able to report to, contact Assel.

5. Experiment with "Make worktime accouncement" for the month of May. The system should offer you to submit the annoucement to your supervisor. If the supervisor information is not correct (as we expect in many cases), please let Assel know so that it can be fixed.

6. If you clear 5., proceed by making worktime announcements for each month May-November, starting from May. Please observe that once you have made the announcement, the reports are no longer editable. IMPORTANT: The worktime annoucements must be done in proper time order: if you create a report for November, you will no longer be able to create reports for any earlier months.

7. If you are a supervisor, you should start receiving worktime reports from your people using the "Accept Annoucements" function. Please check that the accouncements are OK before accepting them. Refer to HALLI instructions at

8. Working hours for each month must be reported by the 2nd calendar day of the following month. There are no exceptions; if the day in question is a holiday, the report must be done in advance, rather than the following working day.

Whew! By clearing this, HIIT has accomplihed the launch of HALLI, with back information starting from May 2007. Why do we want you to go through this excercise?

1. From January 2008, we plan to start using HALLI as the prime tool for maintaining the bookkeeping of the salaries paid by each project. That is, your salary will be allocated to a project only after you have given the monthly worktime report. This is a major improvement of the current administrative procedure and saves a lot of work of Pirkko and the others. It should also lead to more accurate bookkeeping and more transparent budgeting.

2. Starting the history from May 2007 is helpful to TKK to make its own transition to the Full Cost model in TEKES and EU projects. The FC model works to HIIT's benefit by basically making it easier to fund also research infrastructure items from projects.

3. Well, HALLI is mandatory anyway. TEKES and EU demand the use of something like this, so we must adopt it at any rate. However, item 1 means that it actually is useful right away. The future progress of HALLI may mean that it becomes useful in other ways as well, as the system is expanded with budgeting and reporting functions. The back information is useful to convince TEKES that TKK is ready to start full cost reporting.

Last updated on 15 Jan 2009 by WWW administrator - Page created on 25 Jun 2008 by Visa Noronen