EEG/MEG data analysis

We have a joint project on MEG data analysis with Prof. Riitta Hari at the Brain Research Unit of Aalto University, Finland. The main topics are:

  1. Two-person neuroscience. This is a completely new paradigm for neuroscience, in which two person's brain activities are being recorded while the persons interacting with each other, for example engaged in a conversation.
  2. Resting-state activity. Analysis of resting-state activity is very popular in fMRI these days, but the methods for MEG or EEG are quite underdeveloped. We are looking at various methods of unsupervised learning, often variants of ICA, to analyse resting-state brain activity.

See this page for our main publications on the topic.

Last updated on 17 Nov 2011 by Aapo Hyvärinen - Page created on 23 Jan 2009 by Aapo Hyvärinen