HIIT study on mobile augmented mobile maps received CHI's Best Paper Award nomination

31 Jan 08 - A paper from a team of HIIT researchers on mobile augmented mobile maps has received a nomination for the Best Paper Award in CHI 2009. CHI is the most highly ranked scientific conference on Computer-Human Interaction in the world. 3% of all submissions to the conference were considered Award Nominees by the SIGCHI "Best of CHI" program.

The paper presented finding from field trials of MapLens, a mobile augmented reality (AR) mapping system. In the trials, mobile AR map was found to be especially handy for groups. People were able to discuss and negotiate easily on the locations when they had both a paper map and a mobile phone system that read and added more information onto the map. A digital map on a mobile phone was found to be more suitable for single travellers.

The research team consisted of researchers of Helsinki University of Technology TKK at Helsinki Insititute for Information Technology HIIT, Nokia Research Centre, the University of Cambridge and the University of Oulu. The reseach was funded by IPCity, a EU funded Sixth Framework programme.

Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT conducts research on future information technology. HIIT is a joint research institution of Helsinki University of Technology TKK and the University of Helsinki.

More information:
Project Manager, Researcher
Ann Morrison
Tel. +358 9 451 8117

Last updated on 14 Dec 2009 by WWW administrator - Page created on 31 Jan 2009 by Visa Noronen