HIIT released HIP software packages for securing mobile Internet

18 Feb - Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT has released Host Identity Protocol (HIP) installation packages for Fedora, CentOS, Ubuntu and Debian Linux distributions. Released software makes using Internet easier for mobile users. For instance, a mobile user can download content from the web without the connection being cut off when the moving from 3G to WLAN network. 

HIP separates a device's identity from its location in the network. HIP extends TCP/IP to enable host mobility and multihoming in a secure way. HIP allows a smooth transition from IPv4 to IPv6 by supporting cross-family handovers. 

To make use of the released software, it should be installed on the server or proxy as well as on a user’s device. The necessary HIP support is already included into recent Linux kernels. The packages can be easily installed by a casual Linux user.

Secure mobility is one of research areas of Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT. HIIT conducts research on future information technology. HIIT is a joint research institution of Helsinki University of Technology TKK and the University of Helsinki.

Installation packages can be downloaded from:

More information:

Andrei Gurtov
Tel. +358 9 4511

Miika Komu
Tel. +358 9 451 8161

Last updated on 14 Dec 2009 by WWW administrator - Page created on 18 Feb 2009 by Visa Noronen