Master's theses instructed by a HIIT researcher 2008

Ahdevainio, J.: Luottoriskin hinnoittelu tiheyteen perustuvalla klusterointimenetelmällä. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Ahokas, T.: Information visualization in a business decision support system. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Ahonen, T.: Lainakappaleiden tunnistaminen informaatioetäisyyden perusteella. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Ajoviita, M.: Matriisien nopea kertominen käytännössä. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Bishaj, B.: Efficient Leap of Faith Security with Host Identity Protocol. Master’s Thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, Faculty of Information and Natural Sciences, 2008.

Björkskog, C.: Visualising social network activity on mobile browsers. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Blomqvist, K.: Tapahtumien tunnistaminen ja seuranta sosiaalisessa mediassa — blogit TDT-menetelmien kohteena. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Boström, F.: AndroMedia --- towards a context-aware mobile music recommender. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Estlander, S.: "Where was I again?": Self-location with a 2D and 3D mobile map. Master’s thesis, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Behavioural Sciences, Department of Psychology, 2008.

Finez Moral, T.: Backwards Compatibility Experimentation with Host Identity Protocol and Legacy Software and Networks. Final project, Helsinki University of Technology, Faculty of Information and Natural Sciences, 2008.

Gustafsson, J.: Testikäyttäjiin perustuvan käytettävyysläpikäynnin erot asiantuntijan tekemään kognitiiviseen läpikäyntiin verrattuna. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Hiekkalinna, T.: Statistical power and type I error rates of family-based association tests. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Hyttinen, L.: Analysis of IMAP behaviour in wireless WAN environment. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Hämäläinen, T.: Kontekstitietoiset selainpohjaiset mobiilipalvelut. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Jampathon, C.: P2PSIP security. Master’s Thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, Faculty of Information and Natural Sciences, 2008.

Jokipii, M.:Päättely diskreeteillä kausaalisilla Bayes-verkoilla. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Juutilainen, J-P.: OUTBOUND OSS APPROACH — benefits, consequences, and challenges. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Järvenpää, M.: Verkkoelementtien virrankulutuksen hallinta. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Kallioinen, T.: Dynaaminen käsikirjoitus mukautuvan pelitekoälyn perustana. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Karinen, K.: Ubiikkiteknologian käyttö älyrakennusten käyttöoikeuksien hallinnassa. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Karinen, S.: Computational identification of compound heterozygotes using haplotypes. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Karvonen, M.: Using mathematical morphology for geometric music retrieval. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Kasari, A.: Palvelun laadun toteutus ja käyttö UMTS-verkossa. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Kero, P.: Peter: peer-to-peer telepresence rooms. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Kivekäs, R.: Spatiotemporaaliset tietokannat. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Kleemola, J.: Peltomaiden hivenaineiden viljavuusarvojen ennustaminen monimuuttujamenetelmillä. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Konttinen, M.: Tieteellisten artikkelien automaattinen suosittelu. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Koponen, A.: A floor control server in a distributed conference service. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Korpela, J.: RSS-syötteiden välittämien SIP-protokollan avulla. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Korpua, A.: Kenttätutkimusaineiston hyödyntäminen käyttöliittymäsuunnittelussa. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Kuosmanen, P.: Luotettava Internet-reititys. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Kytömäki, J.: Pseudo-optimaalinen Nash-tasapainostrategia rajoittamattomassa Texas hold 'em –pokerissa. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Lahti, O.: Solmuvälitteisen tiedottamisen aktiivisuus ja dynaamisuus. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Langohr, L.: Link analysis in heterogeneous biological networks. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Latvala, L.: Metsähaavan oksien kuorellisen tilavuuden mallintaminen. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Lehtinen, A.: We Are All Here! : Multiple Groups on a Social Network Site. Master's thesis, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Psychology, 2008.

Lehtinen, O.: Rakenteiset sanakirjat. . MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Lehtiniemi, T.: Macroeconomic Indicators in a Virtual Economy. Master’s thesis, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Economics, 2008

Luosto, P.: Yksinkertainen alustusalgoritmi Lloydin menetelmää varten. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Luoto, T.: Optimizing handovers in heterogeneous networks. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Lyytinen, O.: Semanttisen webin tekniikoiden soveltaminen Wikisovelluksissa. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Löfström, J.: Tiedonhaku sairaskertomusdatasta. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Malinen, J.: A method for mapping of multiple interacting genes. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Metsälä, T.: Evaluation to peer-to-peer content distribution algorithms. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Mäntysaari, V.: Service Composition on a Mobile Phone. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Niissalo, A.: Geeniekspressiohahmojen hakukone. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Nikunen, A.: Sanojen merkitysten ratkaiseminen konekääntämisessä. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Nurkkala, A.: Empiirinen lähestyminen sijoitusrahastojen tyylianalyysiin. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Nurro, J.: Tekstin sisällön kuvaamiseen soveltuvien fraasien automaattinen tunnistaminen. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Ojala, M.: Randomization of real-valued matrices for assessing the significance of data mining results. Master's thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, Faculty of Information and Natural Sciences, 2008.

Pervilä, M.: Performance of Ajax applications on mobile devices. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Piekkola, K.: Virtualisoinnin suorituskykyanalyysi Sun Fire T2000 -palvelimella telekommunikaatioympäristössä. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Pienimäki, S.: A review of spam detection methods. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Piispanen, T.: Business Process Management: State-of-the Art Technologies. Master’s Thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, Faculty of Information and Natural Sciences, 2008.

Ramkumar, P.: Modeling the dynamics of human neuromagnetic brain rhythms. Master’s Thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, Faculty of Information and Natural Sciences, 2008.

Rauhala, M.: Exploration in Causal Goal Networks. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Rautiainen, J.: Tiedonlouhinta digitaalisen venttiiliohjaimen kunnonvalvontainformaatiosta. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Rintala, N.: Jalkapallo-otteluiden tulosten ennustaminen koneoppimisen avulla. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Saaresto, M.: Instant messaging and presence: a state of the art review. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Sahlberg, M.: Yhteisöllisen luokittelun ja luottamusmekanismien hyödyntäminen asiantuntijafoorumin kehittämisessä. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Salminen, J.: Kulkureittien jäljittäminen ja tietämyksen muodostaminen spatiotemporaalisesta datasta. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Saviranta, T.: DCCP VoIP-sovellusten kuljetusprotokollana. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Seguido Font, M.: GIST NAT / firewall for end devices. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Sepúlveda Samperio, R.: Imperfect Moments, Hints for Cooperation. Diploma Work, University of Art and Design, Department of Applied Art and Design, 2008.

Siikavirta, S.: Toistokorjausalgoritmit multimedian siirrossa matkapuhelinverkoissa. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Silvanto, T.: Monikieliset tesaurukset kieltenvälisessä tiedonhaussa. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Solala, T.: Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) load balancing and fault tolerance. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Suomalainen, P.: An MDL approach to learning sound change.  MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Suominen, T.: Symbian-käyttöjärjestelmän Series 60 -ohjelmistoalustalle laadittavien kontekstitietoisten sovellusten. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Valtonen, K.: Bayesian networks and information-theoretic modeling for the wild salmon (Salmo salar L.) parr and smolt populations of Gulf of Bothnia rivers. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Varis, N.: IP multicasting in general Internet signaling transport. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Wikman, K.: Multimedia conferencing with SIP. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Viljanen, M.: Yhteistoiminnallinen polunetsintä. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Vuorinen ,O.: Ohjelmistotuoteperheiden yhdistäminen. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Vuorinen, M.: Ydinfunktiomenetelmien käyttö kielimallien oppimisessa. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Xiaolei, X.: An Authentication and Key Agreement protocol for the UMTS Network. Master’s Thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, Faculty of Information and Natural Sciences, 2008.

Yrjänäinen, S.: Todennäköisyyslogiikkaohjelmoinnin soveltaminen biologisiin verkkoihin. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Zhang, L.: Statistical multiplexing in DVB-H network. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Åkerlund, A.: Synonyymiongelma metaboliamallinnuksessa. MSc thesis, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, University of Helsinki, 2008.

Last updated on 9 Mar 2012 by Ella Bingham - Page created on 12 Mar 2009 by Visa Noronen