HIIT Publications Series

Since 2011, the HIIT publication series is no longer continued, as the mother universities' publication series are used instead.

The HIIT Publications series is intended for publishing longer research reports originating from HIIT authors; conference and workshop proceedings held in connection with HIIT activities; project documentation; and other material as may be deemed appropriate. The Publications series appears in two formats: as a printed version in B5 form (ISSN 1458-9451) and/or as an electronic version in PDF (ISSN 1458-946X).


Myllymäki, Petri; Roos, Teemu; Jaakkola, Tommi (editors): Proceedings of the Fifth European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGM-2010). HIIT Publications 2010-2, September 2010.

Noronen, Visa; Floréen, Patrik (editors): HIIT annual report 2009HIIT Publications 2010-1, June 2010.


Noronen, Visa; Mannila, Heikki (editors): HIIT annual report 2008. HIIT Publications 2009-1, June 2009.


Noronen, Visa; Mäntylä, Martti; Ukkonen, Esko (editors): HIIT Annual Report 2007. HIIT Publications 2008-1, May 2008.


Saarinen, Päivi; Mäntylä, Martti; Ukkonen, Esko (editors): HIIT Annual Report 2006. HIIT Publications 2007-2, June 2007.

Turpeinen, Marko; Kuikkaniemi, Kai (editors): Mobile Content Communities. HIIT Publications 2007-1, April 2007.


Sarvas, Risto: Designing User-Centric Metadata for Digital Snapshot Photography. PhD Thesis. Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Computer Science and Engineering. HIIT Publications 2006-4, December 2006.

Martikainen, Petri (editor); Karila, Arto; Kemppinen, Jukka; Kontiainen, Mikko; Kurvinen, Esko; Mäntylä, Martti; Oulasvirta, Antti; Pitkänen, Olli; Raento, Mika; Salovaara, Antti; Sarkio, Katri; Sarvas, Risto; Turpeinen, Marko; Virtanen, Perttu: Towards Ubiquitous Network Society. HIIT Publications 2006-3, September 2006.

Saarinen, Päivi; Mäntylä, Martti; Ukkonen, Esko (editors): HIIT Annual Report 2005. HIIT Publications 2006-2, June 2006.

Pitkänen, Olli: Legal Challenges to Future Information Businesses. PhD Thesis. Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Computer Science and Engineering. HIIT Publications 2006-1, March 3, 2006.


Saarinen, Päivi; Mäntylä, Martti; Ukkonen, Esko (editors): HIIT Annual Report 2004. HIIT Publications 2005-2, June 2005.

Floréen, Patrik; Lindén, Greger; Niklander, Tiina; Raatikainen, Kimmo (editors): Proceedings of the Workshop on Context Awareness for Proactive Systems CAPS 2005 Helsinki, Finland, 16-17 June 2005. HIIT Publications 2005-1, June 2005.


Tarkoma, Sasu; Balu, Ramya; Kangasharju, Jussi; Komu, Miika; Kousa, Mika; Lindholm, Tancred; Mäkelä, Mikko; Saaresto, Marko; Slavov, Kristian; Raatikainen, Kimmo: State of the Art in Enablers for Applications in Future Mobile Wireless Internet. HIIT Publications 2004-2, September 2004.

Rantanen, Mervi; Mäntylä, Martti; Mannila, Heikki (editors), HIIT Annual Report 2003. HIIT Publications 2004-1, May 2004.


Soininen, Aura (editor); Pitkänen,  Olli; Välimäki, Mikko; Oksanen, Ville; Reti, Tommo: MobileIPR Final Report. HIIT Publications 2003-3 (available electronically only), December 2003.

Pitkänen, Olli (editor): Proceedings of the First International Mobile IPR Workshop: Rights Management of Information Products on the Mobile Internet. HIIT Publications 2003-2, August 2003.

Puolakka, Anton; Mäntylä, Martti; Mannila, Heikki (editors): HIIT Annual Report 2002. HIIT Publications 2003-1, June 2003.


Pitkänen, Olli: Managing Rights in Information Products on the Mobile Internet. HIIT Publications 2002-04, November 2002.

Hyvönen, Eero; Klemettinen, Mika (editors): Towards the Semantic Web and Web Services - Proceedings of the XML Finland 2002 Conference. HIIT Publications 2002-03, October 2002.

Oulasvirta, Antti; Tiitta, Sauli; Saariluoma, Pertti: Keskeiset väestöparametrit ubiquitous computing -tuotekonseptien suunnittelussa. HIIT Publications 2002-02, October 2002. (cover page)

Hyvönen, Eero (editor), Semantic Web Kick-Off in Finland: Vision, Technologies, Research, and Applications. HIIT Publications 2002-01, May 2002.

Last updated on 9 Mar 2012 by Ella Bingham - Page created on 16 Jan 2007 by Martti Mäntylä