HIIT call for small projects

Mon, 04.01.2010

29 Dec 2009 - HIIT welcomes applications for small collaborative research projects. The deadline is Monday 8 February 2010.

The requirements for the projects are as follows.

1. The research should be collaborative projects with at least one HIIT research group. The other research group(s) can be HIIT research groups at a different site or, preferably, university department research groups at a different site. Please note that we aim here for geographical border crossing (Spektri/Otaniemi/Kumpula). Collaboration means here either joint work or a clear stated interest from parties not putting manpower into the project.

2. The proposed project as such cannot easily be included in present or planned externally funded projects, but the work undertaken in the project provides a basis for further research.

3. The results should be in the form of concrete deliverable(s), such as a publication, software for common use or open source, project proposal to an external funding agency like Tekes, invention report, patent submission, or contribution to standard.

4. The maximum funding is 20000 euro and the project must be completed by the end of year 2010. The funding can be used for equipment, salary etc.

Applications can be submitted by HIIT researchers having a PhD degree. Please submit as your application a short project plan (5 pages) clearly stating the research problem, what is to be done and by whom, planned deliverables and budget. The application is addressed to the Director of HIIT and sent by email to Ritva.Jarvenpaa(a)hiit.fi at the latest on 8 February 2010. The applications will be evaluated by a group consisting of the HIIT Steering Board and other professors. Decisions are expected in March.

Funded projects shall report their results to the Director of HIIT within a month of completion. The report consists of the completed deliverable(s) together with a summary of the use of the funding.

FAQ (frequently asked questions):

Q: What research topics are allowed?
A: Any topic falling within the four research programmes of HIIT.

Q: Can a group that is split between two sites apply on its own?
A: No, we are talking here about collaboration between groups, so there should be at least two groups involved.

Q: Can a HIIT group in Otaniemi join forces with a non-HIIT group in Otaniemi?
A: There must be a group from Spektri or Kumpula too, so just two groups from Otaniemi is not enough.

Q: Can a person soon receiving the PhD degree apply?
A: No, but a person with a PhD degree can apply for money used as salary to that person.

Q: Can one person file many applications?
A: Yes, (s)he can do so. But (s)he may be later requested to put them in order of preference…

Q: Will HIIT also fund the work performed at the other department (not HIIT)?
A: Yes, if so applied for and deemed appropriate for achieving the objectives.

Q: How many projects will be funded?
A: An expected amount is 5-8 projects, depending on quality and amounts of money asked for.

Last updated on 22 Feb 2010 by WWW administrator - Page created on 4 Jan 2010 by Webmaster