HIIT Seminar on Interactive Computing

Computer technology continues to cover more and more areas in our lives. Computing power is harnessed into mundane and everyday technologies through which it is shaping our networked society. In the first half of 2010, the HIIT Seminar on Interactive Computing explores and discusses the boundaries and interaction between computing technology and society. The seminar features internationally known speakers both from the academia and the industry. Presentations derive from the latest research published or under way. Join us to discuss the future of interactive computing!


Wednesdays 13:00-14:00 (however, always check the schedule)


Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, Helsinki University of Technology TKK

Spektri building, 3rd floor, Metsänneidonkuja 4, Espoo, Finland


The seminar is organized by the Network Society research programme. The objective of the Network Society is to pioneer and develop human-centric, multidisciplinary, ubiquitous information and communication technology based on comprehensive understanding of needs and practices in the everyday life and social relations of a network society.

Contact Risto Sarvas, firstname.lastname@hiit.fi

Schedule for Winter/Spring 2010

24.2.2010. 13:00-14:00 "Users in innovation: social imaginations, designs and evolving practices"
Docent Sampsa Hyysalo,Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, Univ. of Helsinki.

3.3.2010. 13:00-14:00. "Sensor-Based Mobile Interaction"
Dr. Michael Rohs, Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, TU Berlin.

10.3.2010. 13:00-14:00 "Globalized Fears – Circulating Imaginaries of Violence on YouTube"
Dr. Johanna Sumiala, Department of Social Research, Univ. of Helsinki.

17.3.2010. 13:00-14:00. "Eettisesti epäkunnossa - elektroniikan tuotantoketjun työolot ja ympäristövaikutukset"
Tutkija Päivi Pöyhönen, FinnWatch ry. (due to film material in Finnish, the event is held in Finnish).

24.3.2010 12:00-13:00 (note the time!) "Past, Future, and Technology"
Prof. Panu Nykänen, Department of Engineering Design and Production, Aalto University.

31.3.2010. NO SEMINAR.

7.4.2010. 13:00-14:00. "‘Don’t mess with Texas!’ Texas Virtual Border Watch Program and the politics of responsibilization"
Academy Research Fellow Hille Koskela, Department of Social Policy, University of Helsinki.

14.4.2010. NO SEMINAR

21.4.2010. NO SEMINAR

28.4.2010. NO SEMINAR

5.5.2010. 14:00-15:00 (note the time!). "From Snapshots to Social Media: The Changing Picture of Domestic Photography"
Dr. Risto Sarvas, Self-Made Media Research Group, HIIT.

12.5.2010. TBA

19.5. 2010. TBA

26.5.2010. 13:00-14:00 "User driven innovation - prospects and practical challenges"
Dr. Petteri Repo, National Consumer Research Centre, Finland.

2.6.2010. 13:00-14:00 "Busting myths about the digital generation"
Dr. Andra SiibakInstitute of Journalism and Communication, University of Tartu, Estonia

8.6.2010 (note the date!) 13:00-14:00
Prof. Marcus Foth, Institute for Creative Industries and Innovation, Queensland University of Technology, AU.

Previous speakers

  • 26.8.2009 13:00-14:00, "Proactive Interfaces"
    Prof. Samuel Kaski, Laboratory of Computer and Information Science, Helsinki University of Technology TKK
  • 2.9.2009 13:00-14:00, "Mobile Users Have No Privacy"
    Dr. Janne Lindqvist, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Helsinki University of Technology TKK
  • 7.10.2009 13:00-14:00, "Energy Awareness and Ubiquitous Computing"
    Prof. Giulio Jacucci, Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT and University of Art and Design Helsinki
  • 5.11.2009 13:00-14:00, "Towards the Interpretation of Utterance Sequences in Dialogue Systems"
    Prof. Ingrid Zukerman, Monash University
  • 11.11.2009 13:00-14:00, "Future of Multimodal and Crossmodal Interaction"
    Prof. Roope Raisamo, Tampere Unit for Computer-Human Interaction, University of Tampere.
  • 9.12.2009 13:00-14:00, "Multiple Time Scales of Brain Function"
    Prof. Riitta Hari, Low Temperature Lab, Helsinki University of Technology TKK
  • 16.12.2009 13:00-14:00, "User Involvement, Social Media, and Service Evolution: Case Habbo"
    Mikael Johnson, National Consumer Research Centre and HIIT
  • 29.4.2009 13:00-14:00, "Interactive Urban Spaces"
    Prof. Kimmo Lapintie, Department of Architecture, Helsinki University of Technology TKK
  • 6.5.2009 13:00-14:00, "Future of Emotional Interaction"'
    Dr. Niklas Ravaja, Center for Knowledge and Innovation Research (CKIR), Helsinki School of Economics
  • 13.5.2009 13:00-14:00, "Physical Browsing"
    Research Prof. Heikki Ailisto, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
  • 20.5.2009 13:00-14:00, "Mobile Technology and Work"
    Prof. Matti Vartiainen, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Helsinki University of Technology TKK
  • 22.5.2009 13:00-14:00, "Forms and Uses of Online Pornography"
    Dr. Susanna Paasonen, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, University of Helsinki
  • 29.5.2009 13:00-14:00, "The Future Internet from the User Perspective"
    Prof. Jussi Kangasharju, Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki


Last updated on 21 Apr 2010 by Risto Sarvas - Page created on 30 Mar 2009 by Antti Oulasvirta