Call for postdoctoral and senior researchers at HIIT (deadline 15 March)

HIIT conducts basic and strategic research on information technology. It is a joint research institute of Aalto University and the University of Helsinki.

In the recent Research Assessment Exercise covering all the 46 units of Aalto University, HIIT got excellent reveiews and was among the top units that were rewarded as result of the exercise.

HIIT now calls for applications for postdoctoral and senior researchers.

The positions will be filled for three years maximum starting at the earliest 1 August 2010.

The postdoctoral and senior researchers will undertake research work, teaching and student supervision in some of HIIT's research areas, but preferably providing an extension to the competences presently available in HIIT. See

The research area of one postdoc has been defined as follows:
Computational techniques and modelling, especially in one of the following areas:

  • Networks (e.g., analysis of the structure and dynamics of networks, distributed computing)
  • Interaction (e.g., computational models of multimodality, context-awareness and adaptivity)
  • Computational economics (e.g., service mechanisms, game theoretical approaches in data communications)

Applications in other research areas of HIIT are also welcome.

The applications should include:

  • A research statement outlining proposed research (at most 5 pages)
  • Curriculum vitae
  • List of publications with links to pdf-versions of the three most relevant publications
  • Degree certificate of the PhD degree. In case the doctoral degree is still pending, an up-to-date study transcript and a plan for completion of the degree should be provided.
  • References from two senior academics (to be sent separately)

Deadline Monday 15 March 2010.

The applications must be submitted per e-mail to the address The research statement, CV, list of publications and degree information should be attached to the e-mail in pdf. The candidate should also arrange for the two reference letters to be sent separately, directly by the referees, to the same address before the deadline, clearly indicating the name of the applicant in question.

In the selection of applicants, particular importance is put on the quality of previous research, international experience, and how convincing and relevant to HIIT the research statement is. Good command of English is a prerequisite for the positions. Additionally, for postdoctoral applicants, fast successful completion of the PhD degree is an advantage. Persons completing the PhD degree before the start of the contract are qualified for the postdoctoral positions.

Applications will be reviewed by a selection committee consisting of HIIT programme directors and other professors. Shortlisted applicants may be invited to Helsinki for an interview.

Joint positions with university departments are possible. Departments that may be concerned for joint positions are the Department of Computer Science at the University of Helsinki and the Department of Information and Computer Science, the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, as well as the Department of Media Technology at the Aalto University.

The salary for beginning postdoctoral researchers are usually about 3000-3300 euro / month. The salary for senior researchers are usually about 3500-4300 euro / month. The contract includes occupational health and social security benefits.

A concurrent postdoc call is launched by the Department of Information and Computer Science at Aalto University ( The required application materials, as well as the conditions pertaining to qualifications, tasks, and salaries of the positions are the same in both calls. In case candidates submit applications to both calls, the processing is coordinated by the two institutions; however a separate set of materials should be submitted to each. Also joint affiliations covering both institutions are possible; candidates interested in such arrangements are requested to indicate this on their application material.

Contact person in HIIT for practical information:
Research Coordinator Greger Lindén, greger.linden(a)

Contact persons in HIIT for scientific information:
The respective research group leaders and HIIT research programme directors

Note that there are also other calls for postdoctoral and/or senior researchers in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Aalto Univesrity, please see

  • mobile computing and security

  • algorithms and data structures

Monday, March 15, 2010
Employing university: 
Aalto Univeristy
University of Helsinki
More information: 

Contact person in HIIT for practical information:
Research Coordinator Greger Lindén, greger.linden(a)

Contact persons in HIIT for scientific information:
The respective research group leaders and HIIT research programme directors

Last updated on 7 Apr 2011 by WWW administrator - Page created on 15 Mar 2010 by Patrik Floréen