Scalable Networks

The programme aims to work on the design, analysis and evaluation of extremely large-scale networked systems.

This is a new research programme which will start its operation during 2012. The programme will have two spearhead activities: a holistic view on energy efficiency, and new programming paradigms for massively scalable networks.

Research groups

Programme management

  • Programme Director: Professor Jussi Kangasharju

  • Programme Manager: Dr Kristiina Karvonen

  • Programme Management Group

    • Professor Keijo Heljanko
    • Professor Pekka Orponen
    • Professor Sasu Tarkoma
    • Professor Antti Ylä-Jääski

Last updated on 22 Apr 2013 by Ella Bingham - Page created on 15 May 2012 by Kristiina Karvonen