Curriculum Vitae

Martti Mäntylä



Professional Activities

Main Research Awards 1993-

Supervised Theses

Dr. Tech. Theses

Lic. Tech. Theses

Diploma Theses

Some 150 theses since 1986.

Research Orientation

The present research interests of Dr. Mäntylä cover a range of topics relevant for future-generation communication and computing. His main focus is on user-centered methods for new digital service design, but also includes various aspects of mobile digital economy. The work in these areas presently takes place within two research groups at the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology (HIIT):

Ubiquitous Interaction

The objective of the Ubiquitous Interaction group is to develop methods covering early stages of digital service and product design, focusing in particular on service concept design and validation. The group involves presently 8 full-time researchers and is co-led by Dr. Giulio Jacucci.

The group is involved in several externally funded research projects in the area. The main projects include Context Cues that studies context-sentitive digital services from user experience viewpoint and DRAMA that studies the integration of interactive drama methods with ethnographic user research. Both projects are funded by the Academy of Finland. The project Mobile City Moments studies interaction and presence in urban environments. The group also participates in several EU funded projects, including CALLAS Multimodal interfaces and emotions in art and entertainment, IPcity Mixed Reality and Presence in Urban Environments, and PASION Psychologically Augmented Social Interaction Over Networks.

The group was a major contributor to the project Maypole that belonged to the I3 Initiative of EU's Esprit Programme. Maypole studied communication in small local groups, concentrating on children, families, and local communities. The project developed a rich knowledge base on background information, identified many product and service concepts, and implemented a functional prototype of a pictorial communication device. The project between, funded by TEKES and industrial companies, studied new communication service concepts using extensive user-centric methods. The project developed a succesful prototype of a location-based messaging service and its terminal. More recently, the TEKES-funded project WWSF studied digital services for large-scale events. The group also participated in the Mobile Content Communities project directed by Prof. Marko Turpeinen at HIIT and the MobiLife integrated project led by Nokia Corporation.

Networking Research

The Networking Research Group at HIIT studies the next-generation Internet architecture and is led by Dr. Andrei Gurtov. Dr. Mäntylä is involved in the activities of the group mainly from the angle of trust structures. The main activity of the group takes place in TEKES-funded project Trustworthy Internet and the newly launched Finland-ICSI Center for Novel Internet Architecture.