olli pitkänen



Alen-Savikko, A., Pitkänen, O.: "Rights and Entitlements in Information: Proprietary Perspectives and Beyond", in Bräutigam, T., Miettinen, S. (eds.) "Data Protection, Privacy and European Regulation in the Digital Age", Forum Iuris, 2016.

Pitkänen, O.: "Sinun tietosi eivät ole sinun: rekisteröidyn oikeus hyödyntää omia henkilötietojaan" (an article about data protection and My Data - in Finnish), Oikeus ss 202-214, 2/2014.

Kuikkaniemi, K., Poikola, A., Pitkänen, O.: "My Data fueling wellbeing applications", Proceedings of the 2014 Workshops on Advances in Computer Entertainment Conference, 2014.

Kantola, V., Simanainen, M., Pitkänen, O.: "Designing the Future Together - Expanding the Paradigm by Combining Futures Studies and Design Games", Co-create 2013.

Ballardini, RM., Lönnqvist, P., Virtanen, P., Lee, N., Norrgård, M., Pitkänen, O.: "The 'One-Size Fits All' European Patent System: Challenges in the Software Context", in Weckström K. (ed.) "CICL 2012 Governing Innovation and Expression: New Regimes, Strategies and Techniques", 2013.

Pitkänen, O., Lehto, H.: "Legal aspects of Living Labs", International Journal of Product Development, Inderscience Publishers, Vol. 17, Nos. 1/2, 2012.

Pitkänen, O., Tuunainen, V. K.: "Disclosing Personal Data Socially - an Empirical Study on Facebook User's Privacy Awareness", Journal of Information Privacy & Security, Ivy League Publishing, Vol 8, Iss 1, 2012.

Turunen, M., Kohonen, O., Tang, T., Poudyal, A., Tenhunen, J., Pitkänen, O.: "Changing Life Style and Sustainable Luxury", Summer Symposium on Sustainable Systems (4S) 2010.

Kosta, E., Pitkänen, O., Niemelä, M., Kaasinen, E.: "Mobile-Centric Ambient Intelligence in Health- and Homecare - Anticipating Ethical and Legal Challenges", Science and Engineering Ethics, Vol 16, No 2, June, 2010.

Tuunainen, V. K., Pitkänen, O., Hovi, M.: "Users Awareness of Privacy on Online Social Networking sites - Case Facebook", The 22nd Bled eConference, Slovenia, June 14-17, 2009.

Pitkänen, O., Niemelä, M.: "Humans and Emerging RFID Systems: Evaluating Data Protection Law on the User Scenario Basis", International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction, Vol 5, No 2, April-June 2009.

Mäntylä, M., Hämäläinen, M., Karhu, K., Lampinen, A., Lehväslaiho, K., Nuutila, E., Oulasvirta, A., Pitkänen, O., Sarvas, R., Suhonen, E., Turunen, J., Törmä, S., Virolainen, A. SizzleLab: Building an Experimentation Platform for Mobile Social Interaction. Mobile Living Labs '09: Methods and Tools for Evaluation in the Wild workshop at the MobileHCI09 conference, Bonn.

Kosta, E., Pitkänen, O., Niemelä, M., Kaasinen, E.: "Ethical-Legal Challenges in User-Centric AmI Services", International Workshop on Social and Legal Aspects under Emerging Computing Environments SLAECE 2008, Athens, Greece, June 8-13, 2008.

Pitkänen, O., Virtanen, P., Kemppinen, J.: "Legal Research Topics in User-Centric Services", IBM Systems Journal, Vol. 47, No. 1, 2008.

Pitkänen, O., Niemelä, M.: "Privacy and Data Protection in Emerging RFID-Applications", Proceedings of the EU RFID Forum 2007, Brussels, Belgium, 13-14 March, 2007.

Immonen, O., Galli, L., Haaker, T., Killström, U., Pitkänen, O., de Reuver, M.: "Can advertising based earnings logic become a basis for future mobile business models?" Proceedings of the 3rd International CICT Conference, Mobile and Wireless Content, Services and Networks, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark, 30 November - 1 December 2006.

Killström U., Mrohs B., Immonen O., Pitkänen O., Galli L., de Reuver M., Haaker T.: "A new mobile service architecture addresses future mobile business environments", Wireless World Research Forum, WWRF 17, Heidelberg, Germany, 15-17 November 2006.

Pitkänen O.: "Legal Research Topics within Services Sciences", CASCON 2006, Toronto, Canada, 2006.

Pitkänen O.: "Technology-Based Research Agenda on the Data Protection Law", International Conference on Law and Technology (LawTech 2006), Cambridge, MA, USA, 2006.

Pitkänen O.: "Scenario Method to Find Legal Challenges to Future Information Businesses", The 6th International Conference on Managing Information in Digital Economy, Bonn, Germany, June 19-21, 2006.

Killström U., Virola H., Galli L., Haaker T., Kijl B., Pitkänen O., Immonen O., Saarinen P. J.: "Opportunities and Threats from Business Models Perspective", Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications 2005.

Abie, H., Foyn, B., Bing, J., Blobel, B., Pharow, P., Delgado, J., Karnouskos, S., Pitkänen, O. and Tzovaras, D.: "The need for a digital rights management framework for the next generation of e-government services", Electronic Government, No. 1, pp. 8-28, 2004.

Pitkänen O., Saarinen V., Anttila J., Lauronen P., Välimäki M.: "Nonius: Implementing a DRM Extension to an XML Browser", the Proceedings of ODRL International Workshop, Vienna, Austria, 2004.

Pitkänen O., Mäntylä M., Välimäki M., Kemppinen J.: "Assessing Legal Challenges on the Mobile Internet", International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Fall 2003, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 101-120, 2003. (a draft published in HIIT Tech Reports)

Pitkänen O., Virtanen P., Välimäki M.: "Legal Protection of Mobile P2P Databases", International Conference on Law and Technology (LawTech 2002), Cambridge, MA, USA, 2002.

Pitkänen O., Soininen A., Laaksonen P., Hurmelinna P.: "Legal Constraints in Readiness to Exploit Mobile Technologies in B2B Business Models", International Workshop on Wireless Strategy in the Enterprise, Berkeley, CA, USA, 2002.

Pitkänen O., Välimäki M., Kemppinen J., Mäntylä M.: "Assessing legal challenges on the mobile web", First International Conference of Mobile Business, Athens, Greece, 2002

Välimäki M., Pitkänen O.: "Digital Rights Management on Open and Semi-Open Networks", The Second IEEE Workshop on Internet Applications, WIAPP 2001, USA, 2001

Pitkänen O., Välimäki M.: "Towards a digital rights management framework", Innovation Through Electronic Commerce, 3rd International Conference, IEC2000, UK, 2000

Paasivaara M., Pitkänen O.: "Changing network structures in the plastics industry: from a slow changing to a fast changing industry", IEEE International Engineering Management Conference, USA, 2000

Kontio J., Pitkänen O., Sulonen R.: "Towards better software projects and contracts: commitment specifications in sofware development projects", International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE, Japan, 1998

Peltonen H., Pitkänen O., Sulonen R.: "Process-based view of product data management", Computers in Industry, 31(3):195--203, 1996.


Pitkänen, O.: "Living Lab Legals", in Schumacher, Jens; Niitamo, Veli-Pekka (eds.) "European Living Labs", Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Berlin, 2008.

Pitkänen O.: "Legal and Regulation Framework", in Klemettinen M. (ed.) "Enabling Technologies for Mobile Services", Wiley, 2007.

Pitkänen O.: "Legal Challenges to Ubiquitous Commerce", in Roussos G. (ed.) "Ubiquitous and Pervasive Commerce", Springer, 2005.

Oksanen V., Välimäki M., Pitkänen O.: "How to Solve Copyright Problems in P2P Content Distribution?" in P. Gawrysiak and R. Rogalski (eds.): "Mobile Technology for European Integration and Growth", Poland, 2005.

Pitkänen O.:" Julkisuus ja yksityisyys teknologioiden kehittyessä", (in Finnish) in Letto-Vanamo P. (ed.) "Mitä saa sanoa. Viestintäoikeuden vuosikirja" (the Annals of Communications Law), University of Helsinki, 2003.

Pitkänen O.: "Oikeudet tietokoneohjelmistoihin", (in Finnish) in Hyvönen E. (ed.) "Ohjelmistoliiketoiminta", WSOY, 2003.

Books and Theses

Pitkänen, O., Tiilikka, P., Warma, E.: "Henkilötietojen suoja" (a textbook about data protection law in Finnish), Talentum, first edition 2013, second edition 2014.

Pitkänen O.: "Legal Challenges to Future Information Businesses", Doctoral thesis at Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, HIIT Publications 2006-1, Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, 2006.

Pitkänen O.: "Managing Rights in Information Products on the Mobile Internet", Licentiate's thesis at Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, HIIT Publications 2002-4, Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, 2002.

Pitkänen O.: "Tietokoneohjelmiston suoja, oikeudellisten ongelmien kartoitus", Master's thesis in Finnish at University of Helsinki, Faculty of Law, 1996.

Pitkänen O.: "Teollisuuden dokumenttienhallinta", Master's thesis in Finnish at Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, 1994, published in the publication series of the Laboratory of Information Processing Science, TKO-B122, 1995.

Edited volumes

Pitkänen O. (ed.): "Proceedings of the First International Mobile IPR Workshop: Rights Management of Information Products on the Mobile Internet", HIIT Publications 2003-2, Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, 2003.


Alen-Savikko, A., Byström, N., Hirvonsalo, H., Honko, H., Kallonen, A., Kortesniemi, Y., Kuikkaniemi, K., Paaso, T., Pitkänen, O., Poikola, A., Tuoriniemi, S., Vainikainen, S.: "MyData Architecture - Consent Based Approach for Personal Data Management", Digital Health Revolution, 2016.

Pitkänen O. (ed.): "OtaSizzle - Ubiquitous Social Media for Urban Communities: Social Privacy, Sharing, Cloud Services, Handset-based Measurements", OtaSizzle, Final Report 2013.

Pitkänen O., Sarvas R., Lehmuskallio A., Simanainen M., Kantola V., Rautila M., Juhola A., Pentikäinen H., Kuittinen O.: "Future Information Security Trends", Kasi Research Project, The Ministry of Transport and Communications / Arjen tietoyhteiskunta, 2011.

Turpeinen M., Kuikkaniemi K. (ed.): "Mobile Content Communities", HIIT Publications 2007-1, 2007.

Martikainen P. (ed.), Karila A., Kemppinen J., Kontiainen M., Kurvinen E., Mäntylä M., Oulasvirta A., Pitkänen O., Raento M., Salovaara A., Sarkio K., Sarvas R., Turpeinen M., Virtanen P.: "Towards Ubiquitous Network Society", HIIT Publications 2006-3, 2006.

Killström U., Häyrynen A., Galli L., Immonen O., Pitkänen O., Haaker T., de Reuver M., Mercer K.: "Marketplace Dynamics and Socio-economic Implications", IST-2004-511607 MobiLife, D1.8 v1.0, 2006.

Pitkänen O.: "Legal and Regulation Framework Specification: Competence within Mobile Families and Ad-hoc Communities", IST-2004-511607 MobiLife, D11 (D1.6) v1.0, 2006.

Killström U., Galli L., Haaker T., Immonen O., Kijl B., Pitkänen O., Saarinen P.J., Virola H.: "Initial Marketplace Dynamics (incl. Business Models) analysis", IST-2004-511607 MobiLife, D7b (D1.2b) v1.0, 2006.

Galli L., Haaker T., Immonen O., Kijl B., Killström U., Pitkänen O., Killström U., Virola H., Galli L., Immonen O., Pitkänen O., Kijl B.: "Business Models for New Mobile Applications and Services", IST-2004-511607 MobiLife, D10 (D1.5) v1.0, 2006.

Soininen A. (ed.), Pitkänen O., Välimäki M., Oksanen V., Reti T.: "MobileIPR Final Report". HIIT Publications 2003-3, December 2003.

Airaksinen J., Hohti M., Pitkänen O., Simojoki S., Tervo-Pellikka R., Bäckström J, Ylisiurunen K.: "Liikennetelemaattisten tuotteiden ja palvelujen pelisäännöt", FITS-julkaisuja 13/2003, liikenne- ja viestintäministeriö (Ministry of Transport and Communications), 2003.

Saarinen V., Anttila J., Lauronen P., and Pitkänen O.: "Nonius: Implementing a DRM System", HIIT Technical Report 2002-3, 2002.

Seppänen V., Käkölä T., Pitkänen O., Sulonen R., Sääksjärvi M.: "Ohjelmistoalan tutkimustoiminta Yhdysvalloissa", Teknologiakatsaus 109/2001, Tekes, 2001.

Pitkänen O., Kela S.: "Sopimukset ja vastuukysymykset dokumenttienhallinnassa", Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Tietojenkäsittelyopin laboratorio. Espoo 2000.

Pitkänen O.: "Tekijänoikeusturva", Teknillisen korkeakoulun ylioppilaskunta, 1994.

Selected presentations

Giest, S., Koene, A., Perez Vallejos, E., Pitkänen, O., Fosci, M.: "Online spaces for urban citizen engagement: A comparison of civic apps". Data for Policy, Cambridge, UK, September 2016.

Pitkänen O.: "Legal Challenges to Emerging Mobile Applications and Services for Ad-hocCommunities and Families", WWI business model workshop at mBusiness conference, Copenhagen, 2006.

Pitkänen O.: "Legal Issues in Mixed Service Delivery Processes", Services Science: Technological and Business Issues workshop, Toronto, 2006.

Pitkänen, O.: "Ohjelmistotuotanto ja riskien hallinta sopimusten avulla" (in Finnish, "Software Engineering and Risk Management Using Contracts"), invited presentation in Tietotekniikka -97, Helsinki, November 26-27, 1997.

Selected other publications

Pitkänen, O.: "Hyvitysmaksuehdotus on valmiiksi vanhentunut" (in Finnish about copyright levies), Helsingin Sanomat, May 16, 2012.

Mäntylä, M., Oulasvirta, A., Pitkänen, O.: "Vain oikein ymmärretty Living Lab tuottaa tulosta" (a short article on Living Lab phenomenon, in Finnish), Tekniikan näköalat, 2/2008.

Pitkänen, O., Oulasvirta, A.: "Palvelun huono käytettävyys voi syrjiä asiakasta" (in Finnish about service usability), Helsingin Sanomat, December 4, 2007.

Pitkänen, O.: "Valvontakamerat ulotettava kaikkialle!" (in Finnish about camera surveillance), Helsingin Sanomat, April 2, 2006.

Pitkänen O.: "Rikos Internetissä" (in Finnish about crimes on the Internet), Kanava 3/1995.