UIx news

Just like regular news, but will be shown only on the UIx page.

2.10.2009 Multitou.ch wins the MindTrek Launchpad

Mon, 05.10.2009

29.9.2009 Airi Lampinen wins a Fulbright scholarship

Wed, 30.09.2009

Airi Lampinen was granted a Fulbright scholarship for 2010-2011 to visit UC Berkeley.

29.9.2009 MapLens2 video available

Wed, 30.09.2009

28.9.2009 Academy of Finland funds two projects

Wed, 30.09.2009

Ganzheit with TTL and prof. Kiti Müller

Helsinki Privacy Experiment with CS/U Helsinki and prof. Petri Myllymäki

9.7.2009 Our work reported in Communications of the ACM

Tue, 14.07.2009

Our user study on location automation was reported on the CACM  website.

