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past events

16.12.2005: Representatives of the Peer to Peer Universal Computing Consortium (PUCC) from Japan visited HIIT on 16.12.2005 at 9.30-15.30. A seminar highlighing relevant ongoing work was held in HIIT premises at the High Tech Center Helsinki, 6th floor.

19.10.2005: HIIT Industrial Advisory Board meeting 2/2005 was held in HTC at 14:00-17:00.

12.10.2005: Three leading reseachers, Nelson Morgan, Eran Halperin and Vern Paxson, from the International Computer Science Institute (ICSI) at UC Berkeley visited HIIT by invitation of TEKES and HIIT. The visitors gave talks about some of the great things going on at ICSI in order to encourage further co-operation between ICSI and HIIT.

11.10.2005: HIIT ARU 2006 Portfolio Seminar was held in HTC (6th floor), Ruoholahti at 13:00-17:00. The objective of the seminar was to communicate to companies and research partners the range of new research initiatives under development at HIIT.


7.9.2005: HIIT's Mobile Content Communities project (MC2) organised a workshop on Social Networks and Mobile Applications at HTC. The keynote presentation was given by Dr. Nathan Eagle from the MIT Media Lab.

17.8.2005: HIIT's Digital Content Communities research group organised a workshop on Transparent technologies for spatial and social presence at HTC. The keynote presentation was given by Prof. Frank Biocca from Michigan State University.

3.8.2005: HIIT's Digital Content Communities research group organised a workshop on Future Mobile Photography. at HTC. The keynote presentation was given by Prof. Nancy Van House, SIMS, UC Berkeley, USA. The speaker slides and the group discussions can be found at

16.-17.6.2005: HIIT organised the Workshop on Context Awareness for Proactive Systems (CAPS 2005), at the Department of Computer Science, University Helsinki. The proceedings are available. Inquiries: Greger Linden, HIIT BRU.


1.6.2005: The Committee for the Future of the Finnish Parliamant and HIIT co-organised a seminar on Challenge of Creative Economy at the University of Helsinki. Speakers of the event included the Minister of Treasury Antti Kalliomäki, Professor Manuel Castells, Dr. Pekka Himanen and CEO Matti Alahuhta. The seminar was chaired by the chairman of the Committee for the Future, member of parliament Jyrki Katainen.

18.-20.5.2005: The annual HIIT Retreat event was held in Haukilammen toimintakeskus. The prime objective of the event was to discuss and plan the overall HIIT Roadmap 2009, in light of the recent decisions on HIIT's research strategy. The discussion focused especially on the research themes to be addressed in 2006-2008 and how the objectives of the strategy can be reached by 2009. The desired outcome was a shared understanding of the roadmap and the next steps of its implementation. The full event was spread across three days. The first (18.5.) and last (20.5.) day were primarily targeted to HIIT personnel. 19.5. was targeted towards invited representatives from industry and the universities; however, they are welcome to attend the whole event.

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