Helsinki ICT Research Events

This event feed aggregates content from the Research Events feeds from the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, Aalto University Department of Computer Science, and the University of Helsinki Department of Computer Science.

  • Niklas Juslin

    MSc Thesis Presentation on Wed 3 February 2016, 3550 (TUAS-building):

    13:00-13:30 Niklas Juslin
    Topic: "Increasing the immersive experience via the out-of-body illusion using head-mounted displays"
    Supervisor: Prof. Tapio Takala

  • This local workshop is brought to you by the Centre of Excellence in Computational Nanoscience (COMP) and the Aalto Science Institute (AScI).

    AScI lounge (Aalto University, Otaniementie 17; TUAS building, 3rd floor)


    Greeting Dr Laurson Lasse / Prof. Adam Foster
    Coordinator of AScI thematic research program on Machine learning strategies for optimising frictional properties of materials

    13:00-13:45 Prof....

  • Linking Long-Term Product Planning and Requirements Prioritization to Customer Value Creation

    Laura Lehtola-Karttunen, Lic.Sc. (Tech.), will defend the dissertation "Linking Long-Term Product Planning and Requirements Prioritization to Customer Value Creation" on 29 January 2016 at 12 noon in Aalto University, School of Science, lecture hall T2, Konemiehentie 2, Espoo. This thesis investigates the current state of product planning practices, and their linkages to...

  • Dr. Ir. Michael Peeters, Nokia Head of Innovation Portfolio Management CIOO/IS, will give a lecture “5G: History Repeating Itself?".

    Abstract: Every generation of mobile standards was designed with a specific target or killer app in mind. 5G will change this trend. In addition to offering an enhanced mobile broadband experience along with basic voice and messaging services it will enable operators to introduce a host of new revenue generating services. But,...

  • Come and hear top tier experts from Ericsson, Nokia, Aalto University and University of Helsinki on current trends and topics!

    Mobile Cloud Computing is the combination of cloud computing, mobile computing and wireless networks to bring rich computational resources to mobile users, network operators, as well as cloud computing providers.

    In the Digi Breakfasts, Aalto University's key digi themes are discussed within the Aalto community and with outside...

  • 28.01.2016 08:00–09:30
    Open Innovation House (OIH), Otaniementie 19, Espoo

    Come and hear top tier experts from Ericsson, Nokia, Aalto University and University of Helsinki on current trends and topics!

    Mobile Cloud Computing is the combination of cloud computing, mobile computing and wireless networks to bring rich computational resources to mobile users, network operators, as well as cloud computing providers.

    In the Digi Breakfasts, Aalto University's key...

  • 26.01.2016 09:00–09:40
    Guest lecture
    Viikki, Ympäristötalo seminar room 2070, Viikinkaari 2

    Department of Computer Science has announced a bioinformatics tenure track position together with Department of Biosciences and Institute of Biotechnology. Teaching demonstrations have been asked from four applicants, and they will be organized in Viikki Campus. The applicants also visit the Department of Computer Science. Applicant Jiayu Wen shall (tentatively) visit us on...

  • Pietari Kokko, Kiia Korpi, Tommi Simell, Jari Väätäinen, Karmen Dykstra

    MSc Thesis Presentations on Mon 25 January 2016, A106 (CS Building):

    14:00-14:30 Pietari Kokko
    Topic: "Normalization of Pharmacokinetic / Pharmacodynamic Models Usin Depth of Anesthesia Monitoring"
    Supervisor: Prof. Juha Karhunen

    14:30-15:00 Kiia Korpi
    Topic: "Käytettävyys roolipelin käsikirjoitusprosessissa"
    Supervisor: Prof. Marko Nieminen


  • 21.01.2016 16:15–17:00
    HIIT seminar
    Room B119, Exactum, Kumpula Campus

    TIME: Thursday 21 January, 16.15–17.00

    PLACE: Room B119, Exactum, Kumpula

    SPEAKER: Jukka Kohonen

    TITLE: Fast zeta transform in semimodular lattices -- the art of taking many related sums


    Many algebraic and combinatorial problems involve partially ordered sets or "posets", for example, the collection of subsets of a given set. A lattice is a kind of a...

  • Topic: FindZebra - the search engine for rare diseases

    Speaker: Prof. Ole Winther, Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

    Host: Prof. Aki Vehtari

    Time: 15:30-17:00 (coffee from 15:15)

    Place: AS1 in TUAS Building



    The web has become a primary information resource about illnesses and treatments for both medical and non-medical users. Standard web...


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