Helsinki ICT Research Events

This event feed aggregates content from the Research Events feeds from the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, Aalto University Department of Computer Science, and the University of Helsinki Department of Computer Science.

  • 01.04.2016 12:00–14:00
    Doctoral dissertation
    University of Helsinki Exactum Building, Auditorium CK112 (Gustaf Hällströmin katu 2b)


    Measuring similarity in music data is a problem with various potential applications. In recent years, the task known as cover song identification has gained widespread attention. In cover song identification, the purpose is to determine whether a piece of music is a different rendition of a previous version of the composition...

  • 01.04.2016 10:15–11:00
    HIIT seminar
    Exactum B119


    We begin by studying a worst way to hang a painting on a wall. Encouraged by this unusual hanging method we advance to consider how to build a simple computing 'machine' by hanging paintings. Abstract mathematical ideas of knot theory and homotopy theory will be mentioned in passing, but the focus will be in concrete objects.


    Rami Luisto is a tall fourth year graduate student in pure mathematics...

  • 01.04.2016 10:15–11:00
    HIIT seminar
    Exactum B119


    We begin by studying a worst way to hang a painting on a wall. Encouraged by this unusual hanging method we advance to consider how to build a simple computing 'machine' by hanging paintings. Abstract mathematical ideas of knot theory and homotopy theory will be mentioned in passing, but the focus will be in concrete objects.


    Rami Luisto is a tall fourth year graduate student in pure...

  • 31.03.2016 10:00–12:30
    Open Innovation House, Otaniementie 19-21

    Citizen Mindscapes- tutkimuskollektiivi kokoontuu keskustelemaan avoimen tieteen hengessä Suomi24-aineistosta ja kansalaisten mielenliikkeiden analyysistä. Tavoitteena on tutustua, kertoa mitä teemme tai tahdomme tehdä tutkimuskollektiivissa sekä löytää tutkimuksellisia...

  • Topic: Solar Magneto-Seismology: How close we are to solve one of the great problems of modern astrophysics?

    Speaker: Professor Robertus Erdelyi

    Speaker affiliation: Sheffield University, Solar Physics and Space Plasma Research Centre

    Hosts: Frederick Gent & Maarit Käpylä

    Time: 11:15-12:00 (coffee from 11:00)

    Venue: Odeion, TUAS Building



  • This talk is part of the AScI Thematic program "Challenges in Large Geometric Structures and Big Data".

    Speaker: Matthew Morency (Aalto University)

    Title: An Algebraic Approach to Rank-Constrained Semidefinite Programming with Applications to Array Processing


    Semidefinite programs are ubiquitous within a myriad of disciplines in engineering and applied mathematics. While these problems in their canonical form are...

  • Science 2.0 - How to get visibility for your research?

    Welcome to annual Get-together for doctoral students, professors, researchers and all friends of research at the School of Science!

    This year the theme is:

    Science 2.0 - How to get visibility for your research?

    How to popularize science? - A publisher's point of view How to use social media as a part of disseminating your research or project? What kind of support can Aalto Communications...
  • Service Continuity in 3GPP Mobile Networks

    Leo Bhebhe, Lic.Sc.(Tech), will defend the dissertation "Service Continuity in 3GPP Mobile Networks" on 18 March 2016 at 12 noon in lecture hall T2, Konemiehentie 2, Espoo. The dissertation explored the handover procedures and evaluated the handover performance across 2G, 3G and 4G networks. The above studies generated many ideas for improvement of the products, i.e. defining new requirements for the future products that...

  • 17.03.2016 08:30–22:00
    Alumni event
    City centre Campus

    For the alumni day on 17 March 2016, Russian morning coffee, open science lectures, Science Slam, the seminar “Who is good enough to be a Finn?”, University Museum tours, and 2 alumni for the price of one to enter the Observatory. In addition, the Alumni of the Year, Tuomari Nurmio, will give a lecture on Kalevala in the banquet hall of the university, and the evening will reach its peak when Dumari ja...

  • Elina Kilpeläinen, Joni Toiviainen, Isa Ojanen, Tommi Saarikangas, Samuli Salonen

    MSc Thesis Presentations on Mon 14 March 2016, A106 (CS Building):

    14:00-14:30 Elina Kilpeläinen
    Topic: "Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) genotyping from next-generation sequencing data – a comparison of existing methods"
    Supervisor: Prof. Juho Rousu


    MSc Thesis Presentation on Tue 15 March 2016, 3550 (TUAS Building):

    14:00-14:30 Joni...


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