10.5.2007: HIIT Retreat 2007

HIIT Retreat Objectives

The annual HIIT Retreat event will be held on May 10 in Tervaniemi.

The main objective of the meeting is to increase the awareness of participants of the research being carried out at HIIT and the plans for the future, and thereby provide opportunities for further co-operation between research programmes and research groups.

To maximise this, the whole personnel of HIIT is invited. Wear HIIT T-shirts!

Thursday, 10.5.2007

08:15 Bus transport from Helsinki (Mikonkatu 19, at front of Casino RAY) to Tervaniemi
09:00 Arrival and welcome coffee
09:30 Opening remarks (Martti Mäntylä and Esko Ukkonen)
09:45 New initiatives: The new university and strategic center of excellence in ICT (Yrjö Neuvo)
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Research programme session: Algorithmic Data Analysis (Heikki Mannila)

12:15 Lunch
13:15 Research programme session: Future Internet (Kimmo Raatikainen)
  • In the FI presentation Kimmo Raatikainen describes research challenges and organization of the Future Internet research programme.
  • Then each project manager gives a short overview on the ongoing projects with a focus on the project objectives and current results.
  • [Overheads of the session]
14:30 Coffee break
15:00 Research programme session: Network Society (Marko Turpeinen)
16:15 Research programme session: Probabilistic Adaptive Systems (Petri Myllymäki)
17:30 Break
18:30 Dinner
20:30 Informal program
23:30 Bus transport Tervaniemi-Helsinki
00:15 Arrival in Helsinki (Mikonkatu)

Last updated on 30 Apr 2008 by Teemu Mäntylä - Page created on 27 Mar 2007 by Martti Mäntylä