
7.9.2007 HIIT Seminar: Tomi Silander

HIIT seminars in fall 2007 will be held in hall **B222** of Exactum,
on Fridays starting at 10:15 a.m. Coffee available from 10.

Fri Sep 7
Tomi Silander
On Learning The Most Probable Bayesian Network

Learning the MAP Bayesian network for a complete discrete data is known
to be an NP-hard problem. Consequently, much of the research effort has
been concentrated on developing heuristics for this important task.
However, recent advances in exact methods for learning Bayesian Networks


The CityWall is a large mutli-touch display installed in a central location in Helsinki which acts as a collaborative and playful interface for the everchanging media landscape of the city.

Duration: 2:54
Recorded: June 07

Video (edited)
Youtube »

Videos & webcasts: 

Mobile City Moments

Mobile City Moments (MCM) project will study new mobile services enabled by positioning, group communication, context sensitivity, presence data, and machine-readable tags. It draws inspiration from "Web 2.0" technologies and mash-ups, aiming to identify essential customer values and business model elements driving viable services. The project will carry out user research and show prototypes in three European cities: Helsinki, Stockholm, and Barcelona. The international consortium is led by Stockholm School of Economics.

PUPS: Personalised Ubiservices in Public Spaces

PUPS is a  Tekes project in the Ubicom programme for 1 August 2007 to 31 November 2009. The continuation project is called AICA for 1 November 2009 to 31 December 2011.

Innoguard project gets TEKES funding

Mon, 25.06.2007

25 June 2007 - TEKES has donated three-year funding for the project Innoguard, a joint effort of Helsinki University of Technology (Prof. Eljas Soisalon-Soininen), Lappeenranta University of Technology (Prof. Jukka Kemppinen) and HIIT (Dr. Perttu Virtanen). The project will study the use of program run-time execution trace analysis for detecting the presence of predefined "signatures" suggesting that the program uses a method covered by a patent.
