
30.3.2000: Preparation project of Digital Economy programme funded by TEKES

Thu, 30.03.2000

TEKES decided to fund the Preparation Project of the Digital Economy program. The participating companies of the project already begun on 15.1.2000 are Nokia, Ericsson, Sonera, Elisa Communications (HPY), Sanoma-WSOY, Alma Media, Tieto-Enator and Merita-Nordbanken.

28.2.2000: Media Convergence programme submitted to TEKES

Mon, 28.02.2000

The final version of the Media Convergence program description was submitted to TEKES.

10.1.2000: New versions of Media Convergence and Fuego programmes presented

Mon, 10.01.2000

New versions of Media Convergence and Fuego programs were presented to TEKES and HIIT companies. Based on feedback from industry, the programs now consist of several independent "adjunct projects" within the same topical area. A special "core project" combines the themes together.

29.10.1999: First outlines of Media Convergence and Fuego programmes submitted to TEKES

Fri, 29.10.1999

The first research program outlines for Media Convergence and Fuego were submitted to TEKES.
