Helsinki ICT Research Events

This event feed aggregates content from the Research Events feeds from the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, Aalto University Department of Computer Science, and the University of Helsinki Department of Computer Science.

  • 24.02.2015 14:00–15:00
    Guest lecture
    R030/T6, Computer Science Building, Konemiehentie 2, 02150, Espoo, FI



    The most general data format in real world is a table or matrix, where columns are instance and rows are their features, and vice versa. Matrix factorization is useful to extract essential low-rank structures from a given matrix and has been increasing interest in data mining and machine learning. A typical example of matrix factorization is non-...

  • 23.02.2015 13:15–14:00
    HIIT seminar
    Lecture hall T2,Computer Science building, Konemiehentie 2, 02150, Espoo


    Cluster ensemble first generates a large library of different clustering solutions and then combines them into a more accurate consensus clustering. It is commonly accepted that for cluster ensemble to work well the member partitions should be different from each other, and meanwhile the quality of each partition should remain at an acceptable level. Many...

  • Welcome to AScI Talks!
  • Sequential Monte Carlo methods for Graphical Models

    Prof. Thomas Schön, Uppsala University, Sweden


    In this talk I will introduce our new methods for inference in general probabilistic graphical models (PGMs). The key is a sequential decomposition of the PGM which provides a sequence of auxiliary distributions defined on a monotonically increasing sequence of probability spaces. By targeting these auxiliary distributions using Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) methods we are able...

  • 09.02.2015 13:15–14:00
    Guest lecture
    Lecture hall T2,Computer Science building, Konemiehentie 2, 02150, Espoo, FI
    Thomas B. Schön is Professor of the Chair of Automatic Control in the Department of Information Technology at Uppsala University. He received the PhD degree in Automatic Control in Feb. 2006, the MSc degree in Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering in Sep. 2001 and the BSc degree in Business Administration and Economics in Jan. 2001, all from...
  • 09.02.2015 12:00–13:00
    Guest lecture
    Exactum, B119
    Andrei, Johan (BlueZ maintainer) and Patrik (ConnMan maintainer) will present how Intel and Open Source works together and shed some light on latest developments in technologies and open source communities.
  • 09.02.2015 09:00–11:00
    Public demonstration lesson
    Tiedekulma (Porthania, Yliopistonkatu 3, Helsinki).
    Miten äänestäjän oma terveys vaikuttaa poliittiseen käyttäytymiseen? Kuka hallitsee vaalikeskustelun aiheita verkossa? Miten taloudesta tai sosiaali- ja terveyshuollon uudistuksesta puhutaan vaalien alla?
  • M.Sc. Hadi Soleimany will defend his doctoral dissertation Studies in Lightweight Cryptography on 30 January 2015 in lecture hall T2 (Computer Science building). The opponents are Prof. Carlos Cid, Royal Holloway, University of London, United Kingdom and Prof. Andrey Bogdanov, Technical University of Denmark. The custodian is Prof. Kaisa Nyberg.


  • 29.01.2015 13:00–17:00
    Alumni event
    Physicum D101

    Helsingin yliopisto järjestää torstaina 29.1. eri kampuksilla alumneille suunnattuja tilaisuuksia.  Kumpulassa teemana on big data & open data.  Puhujina on tiedekunnan omien tutkijoiden lisäksi mm. Suomen Akatemian pääjohtaja Heikki Mannila ja Ilmatieteen laitoksen pääjohtaja Petteri Taalas.  Tarjoilua varten tilaisuuteen on...

  • Cooperative Navigation for Robot Swarms

    Prof. Sándor P. Fekete, TU Braunschweig, Germany


    In recent years, the field of robotics has achieved progress by increasing the capabilities of individual robots. This has produced good results, but keeps the cost of state-of-art machines relatively high. An alternative approach is to develop simpler, cheaper (and, with additional challenges and possibilities: smaller) platforms in large numbers, at the expense of reducing the...


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