Helsinki ICT Research Events

This event feed aggregates content from the Research Events feeds from the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, Aalto University Department of Computer Science, and the University of Helsinki Department of Computer Science.

  • 21.01.2015 10:15–11:00
    Guest lecture
    Aalto University, TuAS Building, seminar room TU5

    Eyes are known to be the window to the soul. Human have been always fascinated by them.  The influence of eyes on mankind has led into a history full of mythical enchantment like the "Eye of Horus". Although we have developed substantially compared to ancient times, the eyes are still full of mysteries for us. In fact, over the centuries, we developed enough to move from the...

  • 20.01.2015 16:15–17:15
    Guest lecture
    Auditorium T1, Aalto CS Building, Konemiehentie 2, Espoo

    The next lecture in the Helsinki Distinguished Lecture Series on Future Information Technology will be given by the Chief Research Officer of F-Secure, Mikko Hyppönen. The lecture will be followed by cocktails.

    The event is free of charge and open to all interested in the leading research in information technology.


  • 19.01.2015 14:15–17:00
    Guest lecture
    Aalto University, TuAS Building, lecture hall AS1

    Hierarchies of probability vectors can be modelled, and learning/inference done using the Dirichlet Process and the Pitman-Yor Process. Discrete feature vectors (Booleans, counts, etc.) can be modelled using non-parametric versions of vectors of Bernoulli-Betas, or Poisson-Gammas, etc. (including the well published Indian Buffet process).

    This tutorial will present these. The...

  • M.Sc. (Tech.) Xi Chen will defend her doctoral dissertation Real-time Action Recognition for RGB-D and Motion Capture Data on 16 January 2015 in lecture hall T2 (Computer Science building). The opponent is Research Director, Dr. Ivan Laptev, INRIA, France. The custodian is Prof. Erkki Oja.

    Announcement (pdf)

  • Weakly-Supervised Learning from Images and Video

    Dr. Ivan Laptev, INRIA Paris, France


    Recent progress in visual recognition goes hand-in-hand with the supervised learning and large-scale training data. While the amount of existing images and videos is huge, their detailed annotation is expensive and often prohibitive. To address this problem, in this talk we will focus on weakly-supervised learning methods using incomplete and noisy annotation for training. I will first...

  • 12.01.2015 14:15–16:00
    Discussion event
    Exactum, C222

    The Department of Computer Science has offered Master's level education in bioinformatics since 2003, first as a subprogramme, then as part of a Master's Programme MBI, and now again as a subprogramme focusing on algorithmic bioinformatics. The opening event of the new subprogramme discusses the past, the present, and the future of bioinformatics education. The event is targeted especially to students planning to...

  • 09.01.2015 10:15–11:00
    HIIT seminar
    Exactum B119

    Abstract: This talk will cover some of our recent work in extended topic models to serve as tools in text mining and NLP (and hopefully, later, in IR) when some semantic analysis is required. In some sense our goals are akin to the use of Latent Semantic Analysis. The basic theoretical/algorithmic tool we have for this is non-parametric Bayesian methods for reasoning on hierarchies of probability vectors. The concepts will be...

  • 12.12.2014 10:00–12:00
    Other event
    Exactum B123

    We are there, in space, you will see.  Everybody is welcome!

    PLACE: Exactum B123, refreshments.

    Opening words by Vice Dean Esko Ukkonen.

    10.15 Professor Hannu Koskinen: Rosetta and Philae: A European Success
    The European Space Agency, ESA, robotic lander Philae accompanied the
    Rosetta spacecraft and landed on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. What
    happens next?


  • 10.12.2014 10:00–12:00
    Public demonstration lesson
    Johto-kahvila, Urho Kekkosen katu 1a (Kampin kauppakeskus 5. kerros)

    Lisättyä todellisuutta kännykkään Joulukuussa kokeillaan uutta tapaa löytää palveluita Kampissa Kampin kauppakeskukseen

    Helsinkiin ilmestyy tällä viikolla bittiopasteita (bitsigns), joiden avulla keskuksessa kulkija voi täysin uudella tavalla löytää etsimänsä myymä...

  • 10.12.2014 08:00–09:30
    Open Innovation House (OIH), Otaniementie 19, Espoo

    Come and discuss with us how to turn the campus in a future lab for research!

    10 Dec 2014 at 8:00-9:30 o'clock

    Open Innovation House, Otaniementie 19, Espoo

    Please register no later than 7 Dec at


    Kai Kuikkaniemi, HIIT: Computer...


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