Helsinki ICT Research Events

This event feed aggregates content from the Research Events feeds from the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, Aalto University Department of Computer Science, and the University of Helsinki Department of Computer Science.

  • M.Sc. Prem Raj Adhikari will defend his doctoral dissertation Probabilistic Modelling of Multiresolution Biological Data on 21 November 2014 in lecture hall T2 (Computer Science building). The opponent is Asst. Prof. Jeroen de Ridder, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands. The custodian is Prof. Samuel Kaski.

    Announcement (pdf) 

  • M.Sc. Tero Laitinen will defend his doctoral dissertation Extending SAT Solver with Parity Reasoning on 21 November 2014 in lecture hall AS2 (TUAS-building). The opponent is Prof. Armin Biere, Johannes Kepler Universität, Austria. The custodian is Prof. Ilkka Niemelä.

    Announcement (pdf)

  • 20.11.2014 08:30–19:00
    Guest lecture
    Auditorio, Allergiatalo Congress Center, Paciuksenkatu 19, 00270 HELSINKI

    Building Bridges Autumn 2014: Personalized Health and Genomics in Clinical and Translational Research

    You are warmly welcomed to participate in the third Building Bridges symposium providing an exciting team-oriented look into personalized health and genomics. The Building Bridge series is aimed to highlight team efforts among clinicians and biomedical...

  • M.Sc. Tommi Suvitaival will defend his doctoral dissertation Bayesian Multi-Way Models for Data Translation in Computational Biology on 19 November 2014 in lecture hall T2 (Computer Science building). The opponent is Prof. Anna Goldenberg, University of Toronto, Canada. The custodian is Prof. Samuel Kaski.

    Announcement (pdf)

  • 19.11.2014 12:00–16:00
    Doctoral dissertation
    T-building (Konemiehentie 2), lecture hall T2, Otaniemi campus

    The inference of differences between samples is a fundamental problem in computational biology and many other sciences. Hypothesis about a complex system can be studied via a controlled experiment. The design of the controlled experiment sets the conditions, or covariates, for the system in such a way that their effect on the system can be studied through independent...

  • Self-Stabilizing Synchronization in 3 Dimensions

    Prof. Peter Gacs, Boston University, US


    The simplest known fault-tolerant model of computation is the three-dimensional cellular automaton introduced by Gacs and Reif (based on Toom's two-dimensional nonergodic automaton). However, this automaton works only in discrete time (that is, if synchronization is provided for free); the only known asynchronous reliable cellular automata are vastly more complex. Surprisingly, a simple...

  • 18.11.2014 16:15–17:00
    Guest lecture
    Lecture hall T6, computer science building, Konemiehentie 2, Otaniemi

    Abstract:  How can we combine multiple types of measurements to create a comprehensive view of a given disease? In this talk I will introduce a novel paradigm for data integration - patient networks. I will present our recently developed Similarity Network Fusion (SNF) to integrate genomic and other types of data for the same set of patients. Combining three...

  • RNA Origami: a new way to design RNA nanostructures

    Dr. Cody Geary, Aarhus University, Denmark


    Artificial DNA and RNA structures have been used as scaffolds for a variety of nanoscale devices. In comparison to DNA structures, RNA structures have been limited in size, but they also have advantages: RNA can fold during transcription and thus can be genetically encoded and expressed in cells. The cotranscriptional folding of RNA allows complex structures to fold that are not...

  • M.Sc. Dusan Sovilj will defend his doctoral dissertation Learning Methods for Variable Selection and Time Series Prediction on 31 October 2014 in lecture hall T2 (Computer Science building). The opponent is Prof. Tommi Kärkkäinen, University of Jyväskylä. The custodian is Prof. Juha Karhunen.

    Announcement (pdf)

  • M.Sc. Tarmo Äijö will defend his doctoral dissertation Computational Methods for Analysis of Dynamic Trascriptome and Its Regulation Through Chromatin Remodeling and Intracellular Signaling on 31 October 2014 in lecture hall AS1 (TUAS-building). The opponent is Prof. Richard Bonneau, New York University, USA. The custodian is Prof. Harri Lähdesmäki.



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