
  • CHI 2008 honored HIIT’s multitouch screen research

    Tue, 08.04.2008

    CHI 2008 logo

    5 Apr 2008 - The HIIT's multitouch screen research team has been honored as an Award Nominee at the conference of Computer-Human Interaction (CHI) by the SIGCHI “Best of CHI” program. Only 5% of all submissions to the conference were considered Award Nominees.

  • Indian Minister of Science visited HIIT

    Tue, 08.04.2008

    Minister Sibal in Kumpula
    Minister Sibal in Kumpula.
    Photo: Sanna Kettunen

    26 Mar 2008 - Kapil Sibal, the Minister of Science and Technology of India, visited the HIIT in Kumpula on Wednesday, 26 March.

  • HIIT coordinates OtaSizzle project in the MIDE programme

    Mon, 04.02.2008

    4 Feb 2008 - In association of its 100-year anniversary, TKK launches a new research programme coordinated by the Multidisciplinary Institute for Digital Engineering (MIDE) and funded by donations from industry. The OtaSizzle project, coordinated by HIIT, is one of the six projects included in the programme. The project also includes research teams from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering and from the Department of Communications and Networking.

  • HIIT submits seven proposals to Academy of Finland

    Thu, 31.01.2008

    31 Jan 2008 - The HIIT submitted seven project proposals to Academy of Finland, one in response to the general call of research proposals, and six in response to the call of pre-proposals of the MOTIVE programme to be launched during 2008.

  • Contemporary Finnish art at HIIT Spektri

    Fri, 25.01.2008

    25 Jan 2008 - HIIT has received a collection of contemporary Finnish art as loan from the National Art Collection (Valtion taidekokoelma). The collection consists of 25 works from 16 different artists, including several from Erno Enkenberg, Juhani Linnovaara, Heta Tapio and Vertti Teräsvuori. The works are now on display around the Spektri office. Please enjoy!

  • Summer internship positions for 2008 available

    Fri, 11.01.2008

    11 Jan 2008 - HIIT has opened the call for applications to summer internship positions for talented bachelor-level students of Helsinki University of Technology and University of Helsinki whose competence matches HIIT's research themes. The DL is 31.1.2008 for positions in Spektri and 18.2.2008 for positions in Kumpula.

  • BeAware EU project invited to contract negotiations

    Fri, 21.12.2007

    21 Dec 2007 - The project proposal BeAware (Boosting energy Awareness with adaptive real-time environments), submitted in response to the 2nd Call of the ICT theme of EU's 7th Framework Programme on 8.10.2007, has been invited to contract negotiations after clearing the technical evaluation with good marks.

  • HIIT authors receive best paper award at MUM 2007

    Fri, 14.12.2007

    14 Dec 2007 - The paper "Extending Large-Scale Event Participation with User-Created Mobile Media on a Public Display" by Peter Peltonen, Antti Salovaara, Giulio Jacucci, Tommi Ilmonen, Carmelo Ardito, Petri Saarikko and Vikram Batra received the Best Paper Award in the MUM 2007 Conference.

  • Call for postdoctoral and senior researchers opened

    Sat, 01.12.2007

    1 Dec 2007 - HIIT has opened a call for postdoctoral and senior researcher positions covering all its research programmes and themes. Young scientists from all over the world are invited to apply for the positions that will be filled from 1.5.2008 or thereafter for fixed terms up to three years. The application deadline is on 15.1.2008.

  • Dr. Kristiina Karvonen becomes Research Manager of FI programme

    Sat, 01.12.2007

    1 Dec 2007 - Dr.Sc. Kristiina Karvonen has been nominated as the Research Manager of the Future Internet research programme, following Dr. Oriana Riva who moved to ETH for her post-doc training. Dr. Karvonen will also act as the Coordinator of the Finland-ICSI Center for Novel Internet Architectures, as well as pursue her own line of research in usable security and trust.
