
  • Two new HIIT Fellows nominated

    Wed, 12.09.2007

    12 Sep 2007 - The Board of HIIT nominated Professor Tommi Jaakkola from MIT and Dr. Wray Buntine from NICTA and Australian National University to the position of HIIT Fellow for 2007-2010. A fellowship can be awarded to an internationally recognized senior researcher who co-operates closely with HIIT through regular visits and doctoral education. Professor Jaakkola plans to work closely associated with the Algorithmic Data Analysis programme and Dr. Buntine with the Probabilistic Adaptive Systems programme. The first HIIT fellowship had been awarded in 2003 to Dr.

  • Dr. Antti Oulasvirta receives young researcher grant from Emil Aaltonen Foundation

    Tue, 11.09.2007

    11 Sep 2007 - Emil Aaltonen Foundation has awarded a young researcher grant to Dr. Antti Oulasvirta of HIIT for the project Interruptions in Human-Computer Interaction. The grant is intended to facilitate promising post-doc level researchers in the launch of their independent research career.

  • Ubilife Foundations project funded

    Mon, 10.09.2007

    10 Sep 2007 - TEKES has donated funding for the project UbiLife Foundations for two years from 1.7.2007. The objective of the project is to focus on the fundamental research problems of ubiquitous computing, deploy new ubi infrastructure, and to develop novel multi-modal ubi applications on selected problem domains e.g. education in the suburban area and public and commercial services of the city centre. HIIT belongs to the academic consortium coordinated by University of Oulu. For HIIT's part of the project, please contact Dr. Sasu Tarkoma.

  • Director of DARPA visits HIIT

    Fri, 07.09.2007

    7 Sep 2007 - Dr. Anthony J. Tether, Director, Dr. Robert Leheny, Deputy Director, Mr. Ronald Kurjanowicz, Chief of Staff, and Ms. Kimberly Garnett, assistant to the Director, all of the Defense Advanced Projects Agency visited HIIT. A brief seminar on Future Internet research was organised.

  • PSIRP EU project invited to negotiations

    Wed, 25.07.2007

    25 July 2007 - The proposal Publish-Subscribe Internet Routing Paradigm (PSRIP), submitted in response to the first call of the ICT programme of EU's 7th Framework Programme, has been invited to contract negotiations after clearing the highly competetive technical evaluation with good marks. Thus the project is likely to launch in early 2008.

  • TEKES funds Mobile City Moments project

    Fri, 29.06.2007

    29 June 2007 - TEKES has awarded 2,5 year funding for the CELTIC project Mobile City Moments (MCM). The project will study new mobile services enabled by positioning, group communication, context sensitivity, presence data, and machine-readable tags. It draws inspiration from "Web 2.0" technologies and mash-ups, aiming to identify essential customer values and business model elements driving viable services. The project will carry out user research and show prototypes in three European cities: Helsinki, Stockholm, and Barcelona.

  • Innoguard project gets TEKES funding

    Mon, 25.06.2007

    25 June 2007 - TEKES has donated three-year funding for the project Innoguard, a joint effort of Helsinki University of Technology (Prof. Eljas Soisalon-Soininen), Lappeenranta University of Technology (Prof. Jukka Kemppinen) and HIIT (Dr. Perttu Virtanen). The project will study the use of program run-time execution trace analysis for detecting the presence of predefined "signatures" suggesting that the program uses a method covered by a patent.

  • TEKES awards funding for PUPS project

    Thu, 14.06.2007

    14 June 2007 - TEKES has awarded two-year funding for the project Personalized Ubiservices in Public Spaces (PUPS) from its Ubicom programme. The project will focus on studying proactive behaviours (related to content or its representation) informed by context-awareness and user modelling. The research consortium combines groups from three of HIIT's research programmes (FI, NS, and PAS) with VTT Oulu. For more information, please contact Dr. Patrik Floréen, Dr.

  • TEKES awards funding for Finland-ICSI Center for Novel Internet Architecture

    Mon, 04.06.2007

    4 June 2007 - As the demands on the Internet continue to grow, researchers are seeking to make the Internet more secure, reliable and flexible. Making substantial and qualitative changes in these properties may require radical, as opposed to incremental, change.

  • Dr. Risto Sarvas receives the best computer science doctoral thesis award

    Fri, 01.06.2007

    1 June 2007 - The Finnish Information Processing Association has given its award for the best doctoral thesis in computer science for 2006 to Dr. Risto Sarvas from HIIT for his dissertation Designing User-Centric Metadata for Digital Snapshot Photography. The work was done in the DCC research group. See for more information in Finnish.
