
27.9.2007: Finland-ICSI Center for Novel Internet Architectures launch at ICSI

The launch event of the Finland-ICSI Center for Novel Internet Architectures (FICNIA) will be held in the International Computer Science Institute (ICSI) in Berkeley, California.

Academy of Finland funds AMOVEO project

Tue, 18.09.2007

18 Sep 2007 - Academy of Finland has granted four-year funding for the project AMOVEO: Work Practises and the Transition to Ubicomp for a consortium involving the HIIT UIx research group and VTT Systems Usability group. The goals of the project are 1) to study the transition of work practices in the face of ubiquitous computing automatization in three cases, 2) to describe social and human principles characterizing these new practices and 3) to inform the design of technology, instruction and training, and the organization of work environments.

Dr. Antti Oulasvirta receives young researcher grant from Emil Aaltonen Foundation

Tue, 11.09.2007

11 Sep 2007 - Emil Aaltonen Foundation has awarded a young researcher grant to Dr. Antti Oulasvirta of HIIT for the project Interruptions in Human-Computer Interaction. The grant is intended to facilitate promising post-doc level researchers in the launch of their independent research career.

Ubilife Foundations project funded

Mon, 10.09.2007

10 Sep 2007 - TEKES has donated funding for the project UbiLife Foundations for two years from 1.7.2007. The objective of the project is to focus on the fundamental research problems of ubiquitous computing, deploy new ubi infrastructure, and to develop novel multi-modal ubi applications on selected problem domains e.g. education in the suburban area and public and commercial services of the city centre. HIIT belongs to the academic consortium coordinated by University of Oulu. For HIIT's part of the project, please contact Dr. Sasu Tarkoma.
