
19 Mar 12:00 Jan Gröndahl: Implementation and evaluation of a network element control protocol

Jan Gröndahl will defend his Master's thesis 19.3 at 1200 at Spektri 3rd floor. The topic is "IMPLEMENTATION AND EVALUATION OF A NETWORK ELEMENT CONTROL PROTOCOL"


The number of users in the Internet and computers connected to it has been growing fast. Scalability and robustness of the network are rising their importance.

19 Mar 10:15 Petteri Kaski: The Cycle Switching Graph of the STS(19)s is Connected

HIIT seminar, Friday Mar 19, 10:15 a.m. (coffee from 10), Exactum C222

Dr. Petteri Kaski
Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT
Aalto University, Department of Information and Computer Science

The Cycle Switching Graph of the STS(19)s is Connected

HIIT Spektri publications 2009

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17 Mar 13:00 Päivi Pöyhönen: Eettisesti epäkunnossa - elektroniikan tuotantoketjun työolot ja ympäristövaikutukset

Dear fellow HIITers,

The seminar this Wednesday includes a long video in Finnish. Therefore, the event will exceptionally be held in Finnish. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Wednesday 17.3. 13:00-14:00, Spektri 3rd floor seminar room,

Tutkija Päivi Pöyhönen
"Eettisesti epäkunnossa - elektroniikan tuotantoketjun työolot ja ympäristövaikutukset"
Finnwatch Ry
