
19 Apr 12:30 Ismo Kangas: Network Monitoring System: Architecture And Use In a Company

Master thesis defence by Ismo Kangas 19.4 at 12:30 on Spektri, 3rd floor

Network Monitoring System: Architecture And Use In a Company


16 Apr 10:15 Enrique Garcia:

HIIT seminar, Friday Apr 16, 10:15 a.m. (coffee from 10), Exactum B222

Dr. Enrique Garcia
Department of Computer Science
University of Helsinki

The talk will consist of three parts, depending on time. It is about work very much in progress, and no attempt will be made to report any new results at this time.

15 Apr 14:15 Tobias Heer: End-to-Middle Authentication in Multi-Hop Networks

MSc Tobias Heer from RWTH Aachen will give a guest
lecture on Thursday 15.4. 14.15-16 at Kumpula in
Exactum D122. The title of the talk is: End-to-Middle
Authentication in Multi-Hop Networks.

Attached you will find more information
about the lecture and his bio.


Best regards,
- Sasu

14 Apr 14:00 Mikko Hyppönen: Fighting Online Crime

Chief Researcher Mikko Hyppönen from F-Secure gives a talk on Wednesday, April 14, 14-16 at Kumpula, in Exactum room A111.

The title of the talk is Fighting Online Crime. The presentation is in Finnish.

Scientists develop a new computational method to uncover gene regulation

Wed, 14.04.2010

14 Apr - Researchers from HIIT/Aalto University, European Molecular Biology Laboratory Heidelberg and the University of Manchester have developed a new computational method to identify targets of regulator genes.

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