
Break in at 2016-06-08 16:40 - 20:07

2016-06-08 16:40 to 20:07
3h 27min
Affected services:

Due to failed systemd configuration after reboot virtual server couldn't find it's root volume group and thus root volume.

We are currently investigating reason for this. 

Update at 2016-06-08 20:07 by Markus Nuorento: is operational  again. At the same break server was upgraded to Debian GNU Linux (Jessie) 8.5.


Shutdown of HIIT's OS X update service

2016-05-31 23:59
Affected services: 
Managed Software Center or Managed Software Update (Munki)

HIIT IT has provided updates to OS X clients via since August 2012, but this service has become redundant as both mother universities offer similar service. The shutdown of affects all HIIT's Macs, which haven't already been reinstalled to use services provided by Aalto University or University of Helsinki. Everyone is encouraged to have their Macs reinstalled as soon as possible, but not later than May 31st 2016.

Break in HIIT production networks in Otaniemi area in between 2016-03-10 10:00 and 2016-03-14 13:27

2016-03-10 10:00 to 2016-03-14 13:27
51h 27min
Affected services: 
HIIT production networks in Otaniemi area.

There will be a short break in HIIT's production networks in Otaniemi area due to them being configured to be ran over an MPLS tunnel instead of a light-path. This is done to ensure more redundant L2 configuration.

Update at 2016-03-10 09:55 by Pekka Tonteri: Break's schedule was updated from 9-12 to 10-14.

Update at 2016-03-14 13:15 by Markus Nuorento: There are problems with connections between Kumpula and  Otaniemi. Quick fix before we get them fixed is to drop MTU of network interface to 1428. 

Update at 2016-03-14 13:27 by Markus Nuorento: The break is over. Connection with standard MTU setting (1500B) works normally. Jumbo frames (9000B) don't work.

Break in Kumpula-Otaniemi light-paths at 2016-03-09 14:22 - 2016-03-10 02:20

2016-03-09 14:22 to 2016-03-10 02:20
11h 58min
Affected services: 
Network connections running over Kumpula-Otaniemi light-paths.

The following services are affected by a broken light-path in between Kumpula and Otaniemi:

  • HIIT's network connections in Otaniemi region, including Open Innovation House (OIH), T- and TUAS- building.
  • Testbed.

The schedule to fix the broken fibre is not available.

To remediate the situation and to gain redundancy to production network connections, all other VLANs except the testbed will be relocated from the Kumpula-Otaniemi light-path to MPLS tunnel at at 2016-03-10. The MPLS tunnel will be ran from University of Helsinki to Aalto university and it will carry the traffic over IP using FUNET links of both universities. FUNET links are redundant, a.k.a. there are two (2) of them in each university so breakage of one link will not cause a break in connections.

Update at 2016-03-10 03:10 by Pekka Tonteri: Light-paths seem to function again and the break is over. :) The production network will see some downtime in the morning due to MPLS configuration. That break should, however, be quite short. A separate break report will be issued due to MPLS configuration.

Update at 2016-03-10 03:23 by Pekka Tonteri: A break report for MPLS configuration has been created.

