
Study: mobile microbloggers struggle to make their postings interesting

Fri, 18.09.2009

21 Sep 2009 - A study shows that mobile microbloggers struggle hard is to make postings interesting enough to keep audience coming back and commenting. The analysis by researchers from Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, Google and Elisa shows that microbloggers sometimes put in teasers to postings and highlight interesting aspects of their everyday experiences, inviting others to comment.

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Study: mobile microbloggers struggle to make their postings interesting

A study shows that mobile microbloggers struggle hard is to make postings interesting enough to keep audience coming back and commenting. The analysis by researchers from Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, Google and Elisa shows that microbloggers sometimes put in teasers to postings and highlight interesting aspects of their everyday experiences, inviting others to comment. However, perhaps due to publicity of the postings, microbloggers generally avoid revealing intimate emotions or experiences.

18 Sep 09 10:15 Michael Cariaso: Data Mining your own DNA

Please note that this week we have the pleasure of hosting an invited talk organized by one of the local student special interest groups, Lambda ry,

HIIT seminar, Friday Sep 18, 10:15 a.m. (coffee from 10), Exactum D122

Michael Cariaso
Founder of SNPedia
Author of Promethease
Research Scientist at KeyGene NV, Netherlands

Data Mining your own DNA

Tutkimus: mikrobloggaajat taistelevat huomiosta

Suuri osa Facebookin tilaviestien, Twitterin, Jaikun ja muiden mikroblogien pitäjistä ponnistelee kovasti saadakseen ihmiset lukemaan viestinsä, palaamaan myöhemmin uudestaan ja kommentoimaan viestejä. Tietotekniikan tutkimuslaitos HIITin, Elisan ja Googlen tutkijoiden mukaan ihmiset lisäävät erilaisia koukkuja – teasereita - viesteihinsä saadakseen lukijoilta huomiota ja kommentteja. Johtuen viestien julkisuudesta viestien julkaisijat kuitenkin yleensä välttävät intiimien tunteiden ja kokemusten paljastamista.

Scientific quality of HIIT's research at an outstanding international level

Thu, 17.09.2009

16 Sep 2009 - Aalto RAE panelists praise the HIIT research quality. The Aalto University Research Assessment Exercise 2009 report describes the scientific quality of the HIIT research to be at an outstanding international level. The scientific and societal impact as well as the research environment and the future potential of HIIT were considered very good.
