
2 Oct 10:15 Hamed Mahmoudi: Aligning graphs and finding substructures by message passing

HIIT seminar, Friday Oct 2, 10:15 a.m. (coffee from 10), Exactum D122

Dr. Hamed Mahmoudi
Department of Information and Computer Science Helsinki University of Technology TKK

Aligning graphs and finding substructures by message passing

Mannila and other new Vice Rectors on video

Thu, 01.10.2009

30 Sep 2009 - Newly appointed Vice Rectors of Aalto University Heikki Mannila, Martti Raevaara, Jorma Kyyrä and Hannu Seristö introduce themselves and share their visions on Aalto University on video.

View the videos »

HIIT Director Heikki Mannila appointed as the first Vice Rector of Aalto University

Sat, 26.09.2009

25 Sep 2009 - The Aalto University Board has appointed four Vice Rectors for Aalto University for five-year terms. Professor Heikki Mannila, currently Director of HIIT,  was appointed as the first Vice Rector in charge of Academic Affairs (Research and Education – also the Vice-President of Aalto University).

Read more from the Aalto University press release »

25 Sep 10:15 Daniel Schmidt: The Minimum Message Length Principle for Inductive Inference

*** Please note that the hall is CK112.

HIIT seminar, Friday Sep 25, 10:15 a.m. (coffee from 10), Exactum CK112

Dr. Daniel Schmidt
Centre for Molecular, Environmental, Genetic and Analytic Epidemiology The University of Melbourne

The Minimum Message Length Principle for Inductive Inference

25 Sep 09 9:15 Antti Oulasvirta: Käyttäjäkokemus

Antti Oulasvirta (FT kognitiotieteestä, HIITin vanhempi tutkija Spektrissä) on hakenut yliopistolta tietojenkäsittelytieteen dosentuuria. Hän pitää koeluennon aiheesta "Käyttäjäkokemus" pe 25.9. klo 9:15 salissa B222. Luento on kaikille avoin.
