
Break in shell.hiit.fi at 2017-11-10 11:10 - 11:20

2017-11-10 11:10 to 11:20
10 min
Affected services: 

General purpose GNU/Linux server shell.hiit.fi will be rebooted due to kernel upgrade. All other pending updates will be installed as well.

Intelligent Interactive Information Access (INTENT)

The INTENT research subgroup of CoSCo focuses on intelligent access to personal data repositories, proactive and exploratory information retrieval, and ubiquitous and context-aware computing.

Multi-source Probabilistic Inference

The Multi-source Probabilistic Inference group develops probabilistic machine learning models and inference techniques for analyzing and understanding complex heterogeneous data collections. For most data analysis tasks it is beneficial to jointly analyze all available data, but  often the different data sources are not directly commensurable.

NS Jam Session on 12th December 10:00 with Airi Lampinen

Mon, 10.12.2012

Airi Lampinen will talk about account sharing in the context of social network services. The main emphasis will be on a qualitative study in which altogether sixteen people (eight women and eight men) from eight multi-person households who offer to host strangers viaCouchsurfing.org were interviewed about their experiences with the site.

Break in windows 32 bit printing services - 05.10.2012, 15:00 - 11.10.2012, 13:24

2012-10-05 15:00 to 2012-10-11 13:24
7 days
Affected services: 
All windows 32 operating systems

None of our 32 bit windows operating systems could not print during 05.10.2012, 15:00 - 11.10.2012, 13:24. On friday 05.10.2012 15:00 cups.cs.helsinki.fi's hard drive filled up and because of that samba server seems to have corrupt the windows 32 bit printer drivers. Windows 64 bit printing has worked just fine.
