
Teemu Roos

Teemu Roos

Ph.D., Postdoctoral Researcher

Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT
Exactum building, A322
Department of Computer Science
PO Box 68

19 Dec 12:00: The future of web search

Research scientist Yury Lifshits from Yahoo! Research Santa Clara, CA will give a guest lecture on Friday December 19 in B222 at 12 pm.

The Future of Web Search
Yury Lifshits yury.name Yahoo! Research

We give an overview of promising directions for web search:

12 Dec 10:15: The Magnificent Potts Model: A Computational Perspective

Fri 12 Dec at 10:15
Mikko Koivisto
The Magnificent Potts Model: A Computational Perspective

The Potts model is a popular probabilistic model of complex´systems governed by nearest neighbor interactions. Its behavior
is encoded in the so-called partition function of the model. The Potts partition function can be viewed as a special case of
the Tutte polynomial that captures a host of fundamental graph invariants, such as the chromatic, flow and reliability polynomials.

Best MSc thesis of the year award to Ville Tuulos

Tue, 25.11.2008

20 Nov 2008 - The Finnish Association for Mathematicians, Physicists and Computer Scientists granted the award for the best MSc thesis of the year to Ville Tuulos for his thesis "Design and Implementation of a Content-Based Search Engine". In his thesis Mr Tuulos designed, implemented and tested a novel, content-based semantic search engine.

21 Nov 10:15: Algorithmics

  • lecturer: -
  • time: Friday 21 November 2008 at 10.15
  • venue: Room B222 (Exactum building, 2nd floor), Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki

Please be informed that the Friday seminar on Nov 21 will be organised as an Open Problems session with the general topic of "Algorithmics".

Everyone interested in contributing problems and/or solutions for discussion is encouraged to contact yours truly for a time slot of, say, 15 minutes maximum.
