
Events 2005

16.12.2005: Representatives of the Peer to Peer Universal Computing Consortium (PUCC) from Japan visited HIIT on 16.12.2005 at 9.30-15.30. A seminar highlighting relevant ongoing work was held in HIIT premises at the High Tech Center Helsinki, 6th floor.

19.10.2005: HIIT Industrial Advisory Board meeting 2/2005 was held in HTC at 14:00-17:00.

Between: Ubicomp bubbles enhancing human-human and human-computer interaction

Between project was officially ended 31.3.2003. The research group will continue publishing project results in international conferences and journals.

Digital Economy

Digital Economy (DE) has been merged into Digital Content Communities (DCC) research group. The information below is thus outdated!

Risto Sarvas' doctoral defense

Fri, 15.12.2006

15 Dec 2006 - HIIT researcher Risto Sarvas defended his doctoral thesis Designing User-Centric Metadata for Digital Snapshot Photography at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Helsinki University of Technology. His opponent was professor Walter Bender from MIT Media Lab, USA. The supervisor of the thesis was Professor Reijo Sulonen.

Antti Oulasvirta's doctoral defence

Fri, 10.11.2006

10 Nov 2006 - HIIT researcher Antti Oulasvirta defended his doctoral thesis Studies of working memory in interrupted human-computer interaction in the public dissertation at the Department of Psychology, University of Helsinki. The opponent was Professor Deborah Boehm-Davis from George Mason University and the custos Professor Christina Krause. The supervisor of the thesis was Professor Pertti Saariluoma from University of Jyväskylä.
