
13.12.2001: The Welfare of Nations project funded

Thu, 13.12.2001

TEKES awarded two-year funding 2002-2003 for the project The Welfare of Nations. The project will study the interaction of technology, economy, and society through a comparative investigation of three successful information societies: Silicon Valley, Singapore, and Finland. The project will be carried out in close co-operation with the International Computer Science Institute (ICSI) at University of California, Berkeley. The project is led by Dr. Jukka Kemppinen jointly with Dr. Pekka Himanen.

24.10.2001: HTC Grand Opening Gala

Wed, 24.10.2001

The Grand Opening Gala of HIIT’s new premises in High Tech Center Helsinki was held, with some 150 invitees in attendance. The rectors of HIIT’s parent universities, rector Kari Raivio of UH and rector Paavo Uronen of HUT conducted the opening ceremony.

1.10.2001: Four proposals submitted to TEKES' NETS programme

Mon, 01.10.2001

HIIT submitted four new project proposals for evaluation by the new NETS research programme of TEKES. If funded, the projects will launch in January 2002.

6.-7.9.2001: Workshop on profiling and personalisation

Thu, 06.09.2001

HIIT held an internal workshop on profiling and personalisation in Sjökulla, Kirkkonummi. Some 20 people from various HIIT projects and companies attended.

27.6.2001: STAMI receives TEKES funding

Wed, 27.06.2001

TEKES awarded funding for the project STAMI of the Digital Economy programme. The project had actually been in operation since March 1, 2001. It studies interaction of digital economy issues with computer security technology, in particular information validity management and personal privacy. Its partners are Nokia, Ericsson, Elisa Communications and Alma Media.
