
HIIT launched a light system for mobile usability testing

Mon, 17.11.2008

17 Nov 2008 - HIIT has launched a new multicamera system for mobile usability testing. The portable device light - less than 1 kg - and durable.

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CONTEXT: Literature reviews

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Isaacs, E., Walendowski, A., Whittaker, S., Schiano, D., J. & Kamm, C. (2002). The Character, Functions, and Style of Instant Messaging in the Workplace. CSCW ’02.

4.5.2007: Esko Kurvinen's dissertation

HIIT researcher Esko Kurvinen will present his doctoral thesis "Prototyping Social Action" in a public defence at the Helsinki University of Arts and Design. The official opponent will be Dr. Jack Whalen from PARC.

HIIT submits five proposals to TEKES' Ubicom programme

Fri, 30.03.2007

30 Mar 2007 - Researchers of HIIT submitted five new project proposals for consideration of inclusion in the new TEKES' Ubicom research programme that had its first submission deadline on 30.3.2007. In addition, HIIT also participated in research consortia of several other proposals coordinated by other institutions. The proposals cover a wide range of ground in ubiquitous computing from basic human-centric issues to novel technologies, platforms, and applications.

3.3.2007: Aura Soininen's dissertation

Former HIIT researcher Aura Soininen will present her doctoral dissertation Patents in the Information and Communications Technology Sector in a public defense at the Lappeenranta University of Technology at 12 o'clock noon. The custos will be professor Jukka Kemppinen and the opponent professor Lionel Bently from University of Cambridge.
