Helsinki ICT Research News

This news feed aggregates content from the Research News feeds from the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, Aalto University Department of Computer Science, and the University of Helsinki Department of Computer Science.

  • The research focused on Twitter, but the methodology is applicable to other social media platforms as well. After quantifying the controversies of news topics in the social media the research aims to provide users tools to improve the variety of news consumed online, even to break out of their own echo chambers. - Our first research question was whether it is possible to find out if a topic is controversial or not - in other words, whether we can calculate a controversy score for a given topic...
  • Summer workers at Dept. CS and HIIT present the results of their projects. Schedule General Chair: Tomi Männistö Organising Chair: Päivi Kuuppelonmäki   August 12, Exactum B222 12:15-12:45 Session I, Chair: Teemu Roos Ville Hyvönen and Teemu Pitkänen:  Approximate Nearest Neighbour Search Using Multiple Parallel Random Projection Trees read more
  • Three-dimensional nano-sized structures obtained from DNA using a new design method Researchers from Aalto University and Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm have developed a method by means of which DNA can be folded to three-dimensional structures of virtually any shape. The method can be compared to nano-scale 3D printing. The point of departure of the computational design method developed at the Aalto University Department of Computer Science is a mesh model of the targeted three-dimensional...
  • This week Indrė Žliobaitė visits European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) in Vienna, where she is presenting recent research findings in non-discriminatory machine learning / data mining, and discussing with FRA experts possible implications to policy making, monitoring and enforcement. FRA is one of the EU’s agencies providing expert advice to the institutions of the EU and the Member States. FRA focuses on protecting the fundamental rights of...
  • The Health Capital project, which Aalto is a part of, receives funding from Finnish Techonology Industries Big data is a big part of the project.  "Health Capital & Data-Driven Healthcare” is a project by Aalto University, University of Helsinki and The Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa (HUS), Metropolia University of Applied Sciences and health care technology enterprises. Kimmo Kaski, professor in computational sciences...
  • The department cooperates with industry in all the important research areas. The department cooperates with industry in all the important research areas including data science, data security, digital health and industrial internet. -        At the Department of Computer Science we create and develop platforms for industry cooperation projects of various sizes. One of the concrete measures is to create a network to enhance finding contacts for Master’s Thesis positions, says Jouko Lampinen, the...
  • Some hundred students got their diploma. The awards for the best thesis were also granted. The TEK (Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland) thesis awards went to Otso Hannula for his thesis ”Game structure in knowledge co-creation” and to Abdulmelik Mohammed for “Combinatorial algorithms for the design of nanoscale systems”. Both of them will continue with their studies at the School of Science to get a doctoral degree. Thirteen Doctors of Science, one Licentiate of Science, 51 Masters of...
  • Aalto hosted the first International Conference on Computational Social Science Big data came to social sciences When you use Facebook, you probably mainly think about what you want your friends to know about you. But at the same time you produce data – huge amounts of data. Along with your friends, researchers are also increasingly interested in that and a lot of other data that you produce. Big data provides answers and models regarding how society works. Since this is a matter of social...
  • The Carat research project is featured on ZDNet with an interview of professor Sasu Tarkoma.  The article highlights lessons learned from the popular Carat energy profiler and recommender application.  Link to the article.  
