Helsinki ICT Research News

This news feed aggregates content from the Research News feeds from the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, Aalto University Department of Computer Science, and the University of Helsinki Department of Computer Science.

  • The HIIT Board appointed in its meeting on September 16, 2015, docent Henry Tirri to become an HIIT Fellow. Former appointed HIIT Fellows are Professor Emeritus Jorma Rissanen (IBM Almaden, USA), Professor Tommi Jaakkola (MIT, USA), and Professor Wray Buntine (Monash University, Australia). The title of HIIT Fellow is meant for outside world-class experts who are willing to share their deep understanding and extensive knowledge of HIIT core areas to support HIIT in planning of its future...
  • in Finnish, apply at latest on Oct 15, 2015
  • Ella Bingham has been nominated as the vice-director of HIIT (Helsinki Institute for Information Technology), the joint research institute of the University of Helsinki and Aalto University. See the new organisation of HIIT Board. Ella Bingham joined HIIT as a researcher already in the early 2000's, and since 2009 has served in various tasks in research administration. "HIIT is a great community that joins researchers from two...
  • The programmes are Digital Distruption of Industry, Robots and the Future of Welfare Services, Smart Energy Transition and Platform Value Now. The 16 consortia for the first strategic research programmes were selected by the Strategic Research Council (SRC) on 14 September 2015. Aalto University leads four consortia and participates in three other consortia. Aalto University as leader of consortium:   Professor Martti Mäntylä: DDI - Digital Disruption of Industry Professor Ville Kyrki: ROSE...
  • The department invites applications for the position of Coordinator (Academic Affairs). DL 20.9.2015. More information
  • Jiaheng Lu (JL) has been nominated as a tenure-track associate professor in computer science for a period of five years starting on August 1, 2015. Recruiting foreign professors is an important tool in the internationalization efforts of the University, so a thorough introductory interview by the head of the Department (JP) was a must. Read more:...
  • On September 1st Aris Gionis gave an invited talk on "Computational Problems in Mining Urban Data" to open the first day of the 22nd Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval (SPIRE 2015) in London, which was co-chaired by Simon Puglisi. The other invited speakers were Mounia Lalmas of Yahoo! and Rajeev Raman of the University of Leicester, and the other co-chairs were Costas Iliopoulos from King's College London and Emine Yilmaz from University College London....
  • Researchers in the Finnish Centre-of-Excellence in Computational Inference Research (COIN) organized a "Videothon" to encourage the making of science videos about COIN research. The Videothon took place on August 21, 2015, and begun with each of the participants describing a research result and discussing ideas. The full day event included script writing, shooting video, recording voice-over, and editing. The videos took part in a...
  • Teknologia 15 fair at 6-8 October at Messukeskus features well known names from Aalto and elsewhere. Free entrance! Most notably among Teknologia 15, the Teknologia-forum features e.g. Prime Minister Juha Sipilä, MP Jyrki J. Kasvi,  Dr Abdel Labdi (Manager, Watson Innovations, IBM Research, Zurich), Björn Ekelund (Head of Device Technology and Ecosystem, Ericsson AB, Sweden), and several professors of Aalto. See more at...
