Helsinki ICT Research News

This news feed aggregates content from the Research News feeds from the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, Aalto University Department of Computer Science, and the University of Helsinki Department of Computer Science.

  • An advanced computational model developed by computer scientists has revealed long delays in gene regulation. The fields of genetics and genomics have developed rapidly during the past years, partly due to better computational methods. Now an international research group led by Finnish researchers has developed a new computational model, which has revealed unexpectedly long processing delays in gene expression following a regulatory signal. With the help of the new method, measurements...
  • An advanced computational model developed by computer scientists has revealed long delays in gene regulation. read more
  • A new study shows that people tend to have distinctive, personal rhythms of digital communication that persist in time. Daily rhythms of mobile phone calls for three individuals. The black line depicts the population average; green/red areas indicate times where the individual calls more/less than average. A is day-active, B is morning-active, and C is active at night. Over the past decade, there has been a surge of scientific studies on digital activity, such as mobile calls, text messages...
  • An advanced computational model developed by computer scientists has revealed long delays in gene regulation. The fields of genetics and genomics have developed rapidly during the past years, partly due to better computational methods. Now an international research group led by Finnish researchers has developed a new computational model, which has revealed unexpectedly long processing delays in gene expression following a regulatory signal. With the help of the new method, measurements of...
  • Eri kaupunkeihin levittäytyvien Tekniikan päivien yhteisenä aiheena yleisötilaisuuksissa loka-marraskuussa on big data, suomeksi massadata. Mistä onkaan kyse?   Big data on isoja aineistoja, tietomassoja. Se tarkoittaa, että dataa on paljon, sitä tulee vauhdilla lisää ja se on monimuotoista, eli dataa on erilaista: on tekstiä, mitta-arvoja, kuvia, videoita. Tällainen aineisto voi olla ihmisen tuottamaa tai välittäm...
  • The Department of Computer Science is responsible for teaching and research in computer science at the University of Helsinki.  Now the department has an open position for: Head of the Department of Computer Science   Add to highlights: Importance: NormalShow in: HIIT newsContact person: Pauliina Pajunen
  • Sleep tracking accessory maker Beddit is out with a new watchOS 2 app for Apple Watch today. Because Beddit offers a dedicated sensor for tracking your sleep duration and quality each night, Apple Watch is able to charge overnight as needed and still present sleep data in the morning. Thanks to hardware access granted to native software, Beddit’s watchOS 2 app lets Apple Watch double as a sleep tracker...
  • Potential applications for the machine-learning based method include anti-doping work, drug control by the Customs and crime scene investigation. Researchers from Aalto University and the University of Jena in Germany have developed a search engine named CSI:FingerID that identifies metabolites from tandem mass spectrometry measurements with an accuracy more than 150 per cent higher than its rivals, which may make the work of researchers in life and medical sciences easier. The study was...
  • The position improved also in the general rankings. Aalto University improved its position in several areas of the ranking published by US News. In computer science field, Aalto University rose to position 83 from the previous year's 98th position. In the general rankings, Aalto University reached the position 352, an improvement from the previous year's 375. US News global ranking is based on data obtained via Thomson Reuters' Web of Science and InCities analysis tools. The measurements were...
  • Machine can also be creative and learn intuitively, says Harri Valpola, the founder of Curious AI. Harri Valpola has investigated machine learning, neurosciences and neurorobotics since 1993, with the pioneer Teuvo Kohonen at Aalto University. Principal scientist Harri Valpola is a member of HIIT Board.  New Curious AI Company collected immediately 0.8 million euros from well-known investors. The same success story happened earlier to ZenRobotics...
