Helsinki ICT Research News

This news feed aggregates content from the Research News feeds from the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, Aalto University Department of Computer Science, and the University of Helsinki Department of Computer Science.

  • SIROCCO 2016 23rd International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity 19–21 July 2016 · Helsinki, Finland       organised by:   Aalto University, Department of Computer Science Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT Programme Committee Chair: Jukka Suomela...
  • Musicreatures is a novel mobile app that utilizes the multimodal interaction capabilities of smart phones in playful, real-time musicalization. Musicreatures is an iPhone application, targeted for all users regardless of their prior musical background. With the application, the user can create music in a simple game-like environment mainly using motion gestures. The gestures are mapped to a visual view and the visual data is then musicalized. A number of musical restrictions are enforced in...
  • Potential applications for the machine-learning based method include anti-doping work, drug control by the Customs and crime scene investigation. Percentage of searches with the correct identification among the top 10 matches. The method developed by Aalto University and the University of Jena is clearly more accurate than its rivals. Researchers from Aalto University and the University of Jena in Germany have developed a search engine named CSI:FingerID that identifies metabolites from...
  • The LMHS MaxSAT solver gained top positions in MaxSAT Evaluation 2015, the primary yearly international competitive event for state-of-the-art constrained optimization solvers for the maximum satisfiability (MaxSAT) optimization paradigm. read more
  • The LMHS MaxSAT solver gained top positions in MaxSAT Evaluation 2015, the primary yearly international competitive event for state-of-the-art constrained optimization solvers for the maximum satisfiability (MaxSAT) optimization paradigm. The solver was ranked first in terms of the total number of benchmarks solved in both the industrial and crafted categories of the weighted partial competition benchmarks among the participating non-...
  • Finnish YLE TV1's Prisma Studio programme presented at prime time on 23 Sep 2015 "Robottiavioliitot tulevat. Miten kännykkä välittää tuoksun ja kosketuksen? Teknologia tunkee kehoomme!"  YLE Prisma Studio Professor Hannu Toivonen was interviewed for the programme. See more about the research done at the Discovery Research Group of the Department of Computer Science and HIIT,...
  • Tekniikan päivät 2015: Haluaisitko päästä päättämään omien tietojesi käytöstä? MyDatan perusajatus on antaa henkilöille käytännöllinen mahdollisuus hallita omaa dataansa. Ihmisistä kerätään valtavasti tietoa digitaalisessa muodossa: tietoa on niin liikkumisesta, terveydestä, pankkipalveluista kuin ruokaostoksistakin. Haluaisitko nähdä ja tarkistaa itseäsi koskevat...
  • Petri Myllymäki has been elected director of Helsinki Institute for Information Technology (HIIT). Professor Petri Myllymäki from the Department of Computer Science at the University of Helsinki is starting from 1.8. as new director of the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology (HIIT). Myllymäki follows Professor Samuel Kaski of Aalto University in this position. Kaski was recently appointed Academy professor for 2016-2020. HIIT’s mission is to offer resources for...
  • #ICCC15 Best Student Paper Runner-up: Anna Kantosalo et al. Interaction Evaluation for Human-Computer Co-creativity: A Case Study    Add to highlights: Importance: NormalShow in: HIIT newsContact person: Anna Kantosalo
  • The Wired magazine lists in its September 2015 issue Helsinki's 10 hottest startups. Among them is Beddit, a company whose unique sleep analysis software was developed in the PhD work of Joonas Paalasmaa at the Department of Computer Science.  From Wired: "Sleep is the foundation of health and wellness," explains Lasse Leppäkorpi, 35, founder and CEO of sleep-monitor firm Beddit. Combining an app with a sensor strip that lies beneath...
