
Data Mining

The development in measurement and data collection technologies have made it possible to gather and store large amount of information in many areas of science and industry. The ability to analyze these masses of raw data has increased at a much slower speed, however. The group develops data mining and computational statistics methods for various application tasks.

Research activities

Combinatorial Pattern Matching

The combinatorial pattern-matching group develops combinatorial algorithms for pattern search and synthesis problems for sequential and higher-dimensional data. The group is interested in the basic research of the theoretical aspects of the area as well as in various applications, mostly in bioinformatics and information retrieval.

Complex Systems Computation Group (CoSCo)

Adaptive Computing

The Adaptive Computing group worked on ubiquitous computing, user modeling and interaction with a view of making the life of ordinary people easier through easy-to-use digital services. Adaptation to environment and user input is at the core of effective services. The group worked in a multidisciplinary environment in close collaboration with other research groups of HIIT and in national and international collaborative projects.

Probabilistic Adaptive Systems

Our goal is to automate intelligent behavior by building robust probabilistic models for a complex world. The work has a strong basic research component that intersects artificial intelligence, machine learning, computer science, information theory and mathematical statistics. The results of this methodological work are applied to both scientific and industrial applications.
