
Pori Jazz esittäytyy monikosketusnäytöllä

Pori Jazz esittelee ohjelmansa festivaalikävijöille suuren monikosketusnäytön avulla. Porin Jazzkadun lähes kolmimetrisellä monikosketusseinällä pomppii toisistaan kimpoilevia palloja, joita kävijät voivat pysäyttää kosketuksella. Palloilla leikkimällä käyttäjä voi nähdä tarkempia tietoja Pori Jazzin ohjelmasta, tapahtumapaikoista ja -ajoista.

Puneet Kaur

 B.A. (Sociology), M.C.A (Computer Applications), Graduate Studies (Mobile Computing and Security),      

 Research Assistant,  USec research group

22 June 14:15 Jesus Malo: V1 non-linearities perform non-linear ICA on natural images

Prof. Jesus Malo from the University of Valencia will give a talk titled
"V1 non-linearities perform non-linear ICA on natural images"

Time and place: Tue 22nd June at 14:15 in C122


Professor Samuel Kaski appointed new Director of Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT

Thu, 17.06.2010

17 June 2010 - The President of Aalto University and the Rector of Helsinki University have appointed Professor Samuel Kaski as the new Director of Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT for a fixed five-year term.

Samuel Kaski has been Professor of Computer Science since 2004, first at the University of Helsinki, then at the Aalto University School of Science and Technology (previously TKK). Before these appointments, he held various researcher positions at the Academy of Finland.

16 June 14:00 Eve Hoggan: Augmenting Interpersonal Communication with Haptic Feedback

Invited Talk: Augmenting Interpersonal Communication with Haptic Feedback

Eve Hoggan PhD, TAUCHI University of Tampere, previously Multimodal Interaction Group at the University of Glasgow.

Wednesday 16th June, 14:00

University of Helsinki, Kumpula, Exactum 2nd floor, C222, (Gustaf Hällströmin katu 2 B)
