
19 Aug 12:00 Margus Lukk: Construction of a global map of human gene expression - the process, tools and analysis

Margus Lukk väittelee 19.8.2010 kello 12 Helsingin yliopiston matemaattis-luonnontieteellisessä tiedekunnassa aiheesta "Construction of a global map of human gene expression - the process, tools and analysis".

Vastaväittäjänä on professori Mauno Vihinen, Tampereen yliopisto, ja kustoksena toimii professori Esko Ukkonen.


19 Aug 14:15 Alon Orlitsky: Foreseeing the Unseen: Probability Estimation over Large Alphabets

Professor Alon Orlitsky (UC San Diego) will give a guest lecture on Thursday, August 19, at 14:15 in Exactum, room B222. The title of the talk is

"Foreseeing the Unseen: Probability Estimation over Large Alphabets".

Samuel Kaski started as the new HIIT Director

Mon, 02.08.2010

2 Aug - Professor Samuel Kaski is looking forward to strengthen even more high-quality IT research in HIIT. Kaski started his 5-year term as the new Director of HIIT in the beginning of August.

Kaski's interview at TKK's website (in Finnish) »

Multitouch user interface design studied at the Pori Jazz festival

This summer Pori Jazz uses the latest technology to present its programme, artists and venues to the audience. The Jatsitatsi multitouch wall, created as a part of a research project, uses advanced technology in a novel way to provide the audience with new experiences in public spaces.

Multitouch user interface design studied at the Pori Jazz festival

Fri, 23.07.2010

20 July 2010 - This summer Pori Jazz uses the latest technology to present its programme, artists and venues to the audience. The Jatsitatsi multitouch wall, created as a part of a HIIT-led research project, uses advanced technology in a novel way to provide the audience with new experiences in public spaces.
