
Share Your Cruise Photos

Wed, 18.06.2008

Girls just want to have fun
Andrea (right), Vilma and Alessandro on the boat.
On Monday, 9 June 2008, the HIIT team members cruised in the eastern archipelago of Helsinki. Almost 100 of us enjoyed good company, three course dinner and beautiful views of the archipelago.

Devotion Is More Important than Money to Innovators

Tue, 17.06.2008

Book Cover

17 June 2008 - The new Aalto University should promote versatility in the university, constructive confrontations and the development of internal motivation, if the new university is wanted to create new innovations, claims Lassi A. Liikkanen. These factors are more important than money. Liikkanen has edited an essay collection "Esseitä suomalaisesta unelmasta" (Essays on the Finnish dream).

Innovoinnissa omistautuminen on tärkeämpää kuin raha

Book Cover

ICT SHOK Future Internet Programme Launched

Mon, 16.06.2008

Future Internet Logo

16 June 2008 - ICT SHOK Future Internet research programme has been launched. The new programme is a joint research programme of a range of leading ICT companies and Finnish research institutions and universities. The programme is exceptionally big in Finland. In this year there are already 50 person-years working in the project.

Suuri Future Internet –tutkimusohjelma käynnistyy tänään

16.6.08 - Suomalaisessa tutkimusmaailmassa poikkeuksellisen suuri Future Internet –tutkimusohjelma käynnistyy tänään. Korkeakoulujen ja yritysten yhteinen hanke pyrkii ratkaisemaan Internetin kasvuun liittyvät ongelmat ja nostamaan Suomessa tehtävän Internetin tutkimuksen maailman huipulle.
