
27 Oct 10:15 Judy Sheard: Are we student-centered enough?

Dr Judy Sheard from Caulfield School of Information Technology at Monash University will give a guest lecture titled

** Are we student-centered enough? **

on Tue, 27 October 2009 in classroom D122 at 10.15 am.

Dr Judy Sheard is Co-Director in Computing Education Research Group at Monash University and Director of Monash Museum of Computing History.


Succinct Data Structures research group joins HIIT

Fri, 23.10.2009

23 Oct 2009 - A new research group, Succinct Data Structures (SuDS), has joined HIIT. The research group studies a new subfield of data compression - data structure compression.

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Succinct Data Structures (SuDS)

The research group studies a new subfield of data compression - data structure compression. The new aspect compared to traditional compression is that the compressed data (structure) needs to be represented so that access to its internal parts is provided without uncompressing the whole structure. As an example, consider a binary tree of n nodes. It is possible to represent the tree succinctly using about 2n bits so that the children and parent of any node can be accessed in constant time. A standard link structure representation of a binary tree takes of order n log n bits.

Thesis: Virtual goods offer an alternative to material consumption as social lives move to online networks

Thu, 22.10.2009

22 Oct 2009 - Millions of people are spending real money on virtual clothes in online hangouts, digital items in multiplayer games and presents for their friends in social networking sites. This digitalisation of consumption is an inherent consequence of the increasing involvement of communication technology in everyday social activities, says HIIT Researcher Vili Lehdonvirta. Lehdonvirta's Thesis is " be examined on 30 October.

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Virtuaalihyödykkeet vaihtoehto perinteiselle kuluttamiselle

Miljoonat ihmiset ostelevat oikealla rahalla nettimaailmojen virtuaalivaatteita, verkkopelien virtuaaliesineitä ja sosiaalisten verkostojen virtuaalilahjoja. Tämä kulutuskulttuurin digitalisoituminen on vääjäämätöntä seurausta siitä, että sosiaalinen elämä tukeutuu yhä enemmän tieto- ja viestintätekniikan käyttöön, väittää Tietotekniikan tutkimuslaitos HIITin tutkija Vili Lehdonvirta.
