
New techniques for detecting personally meaningful places

Sat, 24.10.2009

24 Oct 2009 - Regularities in human movement patterns make it possible to detect personally meaningful places by analyzing location traces of a user. In his thesis Petteri Nurmi has focused on providing system level support for place identification, as well as on algorithmic issues related to the place identification process.

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24 Oct 10:00 Petteri Nurmi: Identifying Meaningful Places

MSc Petteri Nurmi defends his PhD thesis "Identifying Meaningful Places"  in the Main Building of University of Helsinki, Auditorium XIV, on 24 October at 10 a.m.

Opponent is Prof. Dr. Thomas Strang, DLR, Germany

Custos is Professor Petri Myllymäki

23 Oct 12:15 Thomas Strang: Location as key enabler for a Railway Collision Avoidance System based on direct vehicular ad-hoc co

Guest talk by Prof. Dr. Thomas Strang (DLR, Germany) in Exactum C222 on Friday 23.10.2009 at 12.15.

Title: Location as key enabler for a Railway Collision Avoidance System based on direct vehicular ad-hoc communications


23 Oct 10:15 Tony Jebara: MAP Estimation with Perfect Graphs

HIIT seminar, Friday Oct 23, 10:15 a.m. (coffee from 10), Exactum C222

Tony Jebara, Associate Professor of Computer Science Director of Columbia Machine Learning Laboratory Columbia University

MAP Estimation with Perfect Graphs

23 Oct 12:15 Thomas Strang: Location as key enabler for a Railway Collision Avoidance System based on direct vehicular ad-hoc co

Guest talk by Prof. Dr. Thomas Strang (DLR, Germany) in Exactum C222 on Friday 23.10.2009 at 12.15.

Title: Location as key enabler for a Railway Collision Avoidance System based on direct vehicular ad-hoc communications

