
12 Dec 10:00 Tommi Mononen: Doctoral dissertation/Computing the Stochastic Complexity of Simple Probabilistic Graphical Models

M.Sc. Tommi Mononen will defend his doctoral dissertation "Computing the Stochastic Complexity of Simple Probabilistic Graphical Models" on Saturday, December 12, at 10 o'clock in Auditorium XIV of the University Main Building. The Opponent is Professor Ioan Tabus from Tampere University of Technology, and the Custos is Professor Petri Myllymki. 

11 Dec 12:00 Tancred Lindholm: XML-aware Data Synchronization for Mobile Devices

Väitös tietotekniikan, datan synkronoinnin alalta, DI Tancred Lindholm
Pe 11.12., 12:00

Paikka: Informaatio- ja luonnontieteiden tiedekunta, Tietotekniikan talo, sali T1, Konemiehentie 2, 02150, Espoo, Finland, FI

Diplomi-insinööri Tancred Lindholm väittelee informaatio- ja luonnontieteiden tiedekunnassa perjantaina 11.12.2009 klo 12.00 aiheenaan "XML-aware Data Synchronization for Mobile Devices" (suomeksi: Mobiililaitteen datan synkronointi XML-tuella).

Vastaväittäjä: professori Liviu Iftode, Rutgers University

9 Dec 13:00 Riitta Hari: Multiple time scales of brain function

Please join us for Prof. Riitta Hari from Low Temperature Lab, TKK, who
will discuss multiple time scales of brain function.

Time: Wednesday 9 December at 1-2pm.

Place: Spektri Business Park, Pilotti Building, 3rd floor meeting room.
Metsänneidonkuja 4, Espoo.

Title: Multiple time scales of brain function

2 Dec 14:15 Joris Mooij: Additive noise models for causal inference

HIIT seminar, Wednesday Dec 2, 14:15 (coffee from 02), Exactum

Dr. Joris Mooij
Max-Planck-Institut for Biological Cybernetics Dept. Schölkopf Tübingen, Germany

Additive noise models for causal inference

Doctoral dissertation: XML-aware Data Synchronization for Mobile Devices

Tue, 01.12.2009

1 Dec 2009 - In his doctoral dissertation, Tancred Lindholm publishes new algorithms for data synchronization on mobile devices and evaluates them. By using the algorithms, users can better combine changes made to different copies of the same data.

Read more from a TKK press release (in Finnish) »
