
HIIT Update 3/2008

Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT Newsletter
29 Oct 08

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Virtual Economy Research Network (VERN) website launched

Thu, 23.10.2008

23 Oct 2008 - New Virtual Economy Research Network (VERN) website has been launched. It is a communication hub for scholars, students and developers interested in virtual goods, currencies and economies. The new site features:

22-23 Oct 08: Nordic Cultural Commons Conference 2008

Nordic Cultural Commons Conference 2008
Stockholm, 22-23 October

With the advent of the digital revolution and the Internet, it is suddenly possible to to work collaboratively across contexts and to create new, derivative or collective works on a global level. This presents an opportunity for an enormous and unprecedented stimulation of creativity and production of knowledge.


HIIT's new CityWall video draws over 250 000 viewers

Thu, 16.10.2008

16 Oct 2008 - HIIT's new video on the 3D CityWall multi-touch display has drawn over 250 000 viewers. Several international IT media have embedded the YouTube video on their website.

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View new CityWall video »

250 000 katsojaa HIITin CityWall–videolla

HIITin video uudesta kolmiulotteisesta CityWall-monikosketusnäytöstä on kerännyt jo yli 250 000 katsojaa YouTubessa. Useat ulkomaalaiset teknisistä innovaatioista kertovat verkkojulkaisut ovat liittäneet YouTube-videon omalle kotisivulleen.

Erityisen paljon video on kerännyt katselijoita Yhdysvalloissa, Venäjällä, Suomessa, Etelä-Koreassa ja Brasiliassa.
