
  • Machine infers person’s interests from his eye-movement

    Wed, 15.12.2010

    15 Dec 2010 - A new method retrieves information to data glasses about people and objects a person is looking at. Equipment including an eye tracker implements machine learning methods and infers from context and gaze direction what the viewer may be interested in, to learn more about. For instance, a researcher may learn about scientific results of a researcher passing by and singles may see on their data glasses the relationship status of a person they meet.

  • Top cited article award to HIIT-Aalto researchers

    Tue, 19.10.2010

    19 Oct 2010 - HIIT-Aalto researchers have received a top cited article award. Petteri Kaski, Patric Östergård and Olli Pottonen were awarded for the article "The Steiner quadruple systems of order 16" published in Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A. The article performs a complete classification of the Steiner systems S(3,4,16).

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  • New HIIT board members nominated

    Fri, 01.10.2010

    1 Oct 2010 - Aalto University and the University of Helsinki have nominated new members for the Board of HIIT. The new board members decide on HIIT's overall research strategy and research programmes from 1 October 2010 to 31 March 2014. The new board nominates the new chairman of the Board.

    Read the press release in Finnish »

  • New addresses to HIIT

    Fri, 24.09.2010

    HIIT Spektri moves to Innopoli 2 in Otaniemi. From Monday 18 October, there will be only two sites in HIIT: HIIT Otaniemi and HIIT Kumpula.

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  • In HIIT blog: Anu Kankainen - Customers should participate more in service design

    Fri, 24.09.2010

    24 Sep 2010 - Services don't often meet customer expectations and needs. One reason can be that qualitative user research methods are too expensive and take too much time. However, there are more cost-efficient techniques. Co-design techniques bring all stakeholders - customers, service providers, service designers and other stakeholders of the service ecosystem - around the same table to tell stories and brainstrom ideas on services that are suitable for people's everyday practices.

  • Study: people are cautious in asking help from their community

    Thu, 23.09.2010

    24 Sep 2010 - People are cautious in exchanging favors and items with other people in their community. Researchers, who studied an online gift exchange service, say that many people buy services because it does not occur to them that someone in their community could help them or they are too shy to ask for a favor.

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  • Study: servers run well around zero degrees

    Wed, 22.09.2010

    22 Sep 2010 - Lots of energy can be saved by using outside air directly for cooling in data centers in the north. In a study by researchers of Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT and the University of Helsinki, computers functioned correctly over extended periods of time when run in harsh winter temperatures. Commercial, off-the-shelf computers ran well even when the outside temperature was -22C (-8F).

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  • Academy grants € 1.7 million to HIIT projects

    Sun, 19.09.2010

    19 Sep 2010 - HIIT has been successful in the Academy of Finland evaluations. The academy has granted  € 1.7 million to HIIT researchers' projects. In the call the academy funded five projects led by HIIT researchers Valentin Polishchuk, Teemu Roos, Andrei Gurtov, Samuel Kaski and Sasu Tarkoma.

  • Study: favorable expectations make people like using a new mobile phone

    Fri, 17.09.2010

    20 Sep 2010 - The more a user expects to like using a new mobile phone, the more he will like to use it. Users' favorable expectations make them forgive encountered usability problems and perceive new mobile phones usable.

    Read more in the English press release »
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  • HIIT launches an extensive privacy survey

    Thu, 16.09.2010

    Helsinki Institute of Information Technology HIIT launches an extensive survey, aiming to chart the conserns about information society.

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