
Jon Crowcroft: Zero Carbon Networking

Event time: 
2010-09-28 10:15 to 12:00

Prof. Jon Crowcroft from University of Cambridge will give a guest lecture on Tuesday 28.9. 10-12 at Kumpula in Exactum B222. The title of the lecture is: Zero Carbon Networking. Attached you will find more information about the lecture and his bio.

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Zero Carbon Networking

New addresses to HIIT

Fri, 24.09.2010

HIIT Spektri moves to Innopoli 2 in Otaniemi. From Monday 18 October, there will be only two sites in HIIT: HIIT Otaniemi and HIIT Kumpula.

Read about new addresses in English »
Read about new addresses in Finnish »


In HIIT blog: Anu Kankainen - Customers should participate more in service design

Fri, 24.09.2010

24 Sep 2010 - Services don't often meet customer expectations and needs. One reason can be that qualitative user research methods are too expensive and take too much time. However, there are more cost-efficient techniques. Co-design techniques bring all stakeholders - customers, service providers, service designers and other stakeholders of the service ecosystem - around the same table to tell stories and brainstrom ideas on services that are suitable for people's everyday practices.

Tutkimus: ihmiset arkailevat pyytää apua lähiyhteisöstä

Monet varovat palvelusten vaihtamista lähiyhteisössä asuvien kanssa. Internetissä toimivaa vaihtopalvelua tutkineiden mukaan ihmiset käyttävät ostettavia palveluita usein, koska heille ei tule mieleen, että joku lähellä oleva voisi auttaa tai koska eivät kehtaa pyytää apua.

Study: people are cautious in asking help from their community

People are cautious in exchanging favors and items with other people in their community. Researchers, who studied an online gift exchange service, say that many people buy services because it does not occur to them that someone in their community could help them or they are too shy to ask for a favor. For instance, even though someone in the neighborhood may be happy to help with a broken bike in exchange for another favor or simply for the joy of helping, people may feel more comfortable with leaving their cycle to a repair shop.
